田秋实,谢 晶
(上海海洋大学食品学院,上海 201306)
Review on the development of time temperature indicator (TTI)
TIAN Qiu-shi, XIE Jing
( Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China )
Abstract: Time Temperature Indicator (TTI) is one kind of device to monitor and record the temperature history in the cold chain. It can also indicate the shelf-life of foods, and help to make a reasonable distribution of such goods. In this paper, the research purport, developing processing and sort of TTI were introduced. Furthermore, the research actuality was proposed, and the foreground of TTI was also discussed.
Key words: time temperature indicator; TTI; shelf-life; food safety
通讯作者:谢晶(1968—)女,教授,博导,研究方向:食品冷冻冷藏技术与设备。E-mail: jxie@shou.edu.cn