(1 福建省水产研究所,福建 厦门 361012;2 广东海洋大学食品科技学院,广东 湛江 524025)
摘要:为了使僧帽牡蛎(Saccostrea cucullata)卫生安全并低温流通,对大肠菌数超标的僧帽牡蛎进行净化。大肠菌群数6 000 MPN/100 g贝肉以下的僧帽牡蛎经24 h的净化,可达到净化海水贝类标准(DB 35/575—2004)的要求(≤300 MPN/100 g贝肉);同时对净化蛎肉用注净化海水和未注净化海水两种包装,在-4~10 ℃各温度下进行保鲜试验,保鲜过程中两种包装牡蛎肉的挥发性盐基氮变化无显著差异,净化蛎肉在-4~0 ℃温度带微冻保鲜效果较好,在5 ℃以下贮藏比较安全。建议生产上将净化僧帽牡蛎注净化海水包装在0~4 ℃贮运。
Effects of low temperature preservation on the depuration of Saccostrea cucullata
XU Yong-an1, WEI Shao-hong1, WU Jing-na1,
LIAO Deng-yuan1, ZHANG Chao-hua2, QIN Xiao-ming2
( 1 Fujian Fisheries Research Institute, Xiamen 361012, China;
2 The Faculty of Food Technology, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524025, China )
Abstract: In order to make the Saccostrea cucullata hygienic safety and circulation at low temperature, the depuration technology was conducted in Saccostrea cucullata which was overproof of coliform bacteria. The Saccostrea cucullata whose MPN of the coliform group below 6 000 MPN/100 g was purified for 24 h, and its quality met the requirement of shellfish purification (300 MPN/100 g). Meanwhile, the purified Saccostrea cucullata were respectively packed with purified seawater and untreated control, stored at -4-10 ℃. The results showed that there wasn't significant difference of total volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) between two packing; purified oyster meat preserved at -4-0 ℃ had better refreshing effect, it was relatively safe to store below 5 ℃. Therefore, it was suggested that purified Saccostrea cucullata packed with purified seawater and stored at 0-4 ℃ would be better.
Key words: Saccostrea cucullata; shellfish purification; coliform bacteria; low temperature preservation; VBN
作者简介:许永安(1954—),男,研究员,研究方向:水产品深加工。E-mail: ggs@fjscs.ac.cn