(浙江兴业集团有限公司,浙江 舟山 316101)
摘要:对大甲鲹(Megalaspis cordyla)鱼糜生产新工艺进行了研究。通过钙离子(Ca2+)漂洗液漂洗和使用凝胶增强剂两个措施增强大甲鲹鱼糜的凝胶形成能力。先对漂洗液硬度对鱼糜凝胶强度的影响进行单因素试验,之后再对非酶型凝胶增强剂(命名为GRA1)、转谷氨酰胺酶(TGase)、鸡蛋白3种单一凝胶增强剂对鱼糜凝胶强度增加效果进行比较,又对鸡蛋白添加量、GRA1添加量进行二因素三水平的随机区组复配设计试验。试验得出了最优化的工艺条件:漂洗工艺中,漂洗液Ca2+浓度为30 mmol/L;凝胶增强剂使用工艺,选择用1.5%鸡蛋白复配0.30% GRA1作为复合凝胶增强剂。在该工艺条件下,大甲鲹鱼糜凝胶强度(二次加热法)为832.37 g/cm,是传统工艺的9.34倍;复合凝胶增强剂的添加剂成本比单独使用TGase节约46%。
New production technology of Megalaspis cordyla surimi
applying new additive
WU Wei-ping1, ZHOU Xiao-min1, AN Li-hua1
( Zhejiang Industrial Group Co.,Ltd, Zhoushan 316101, China)
Abstract: This paper studies new production technology of Megalaspis cordyla surimi by solution process and applying gel-strengthen agent. First take single factor experimentation of solution water’s hardness, then comparing the efficiency of three single gel-strengthen agents and design three levels experiment taking the addition amount of chicken protein and GRA1 as two factors. The optimum conditions were as follows: the concentration of Ca2+ was 30 mmol/L, the compound gel-strengthen agent was chicken protein 1.5% with GRA1 0.30%. In these conditions, the gel strength of the surimi was 832.37 g/cm, about 9.34 times of the conventional technology.
Key words: Megalaspis cordyla; surimi; gel strength; additive; technological condition
作者简介:吴卫平(1956—),男,高级工程师,研究方向为水产品深加工。E-mail: xiaominzhou@126.com