(广东海洋大学食品科技学院,广东湛江 524088)
Analysis of quality changes and shelf-life of low temperature distribution oyster meat
LI Longfei,QIN Xiaoming,ZHOU Cuiping,WANG Xiaoqian
(Food Science and Technology College ofGuangdong Ocean University, Guangdong Zhanjiang 524088,China)
Abstract: To better understand the shelf-life of the low temperature oyster meat and the quality changes of the low temperature distribution oyster meat stored at 10 ℃, the changes of sensory quality, total viable count(TVC), total volatile basic nitrogen (T-VBN) and pH stored at 10℃ were studied. The predicitive model for shelf-life based on TVC was established. The results showed that with the increase of storage time, the quality of oyster meat gradually decreased, and the sensory quality and TVC achieved to the state of inedible, while T-VBN and pH relatively lagged to inedible state due to acidification. In addition, the shelf-life of oyster meat stored from 0℃ to 10℃ can be predicated by the predicitive model with TVC as index, with the relative error of less than 10%.
Keywords: low temperature distribution; oyster meat; quality changes; shelf-life