(1 中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院,北京 100083;
2 广西盟展鳄鱼科技开发有限公司,广西 南宁 530028)
摘要: 研究了鳄鱼血蛋白酶解产物的抗氧化特性和对血管紧张素转化酶(ACE)的抑制活性。利用木瓜蛋白酶酶解鳄鱼血浆蛋白和血球蛋白,用分光光度法测定了酶解产物的抗氧化能力和用高效液相色谱(HPLC)测定其ACE的抑制率。结果显示:鳄鱼血浆和血球蛋白酶解产物的亚铁离子螯合能力差异性不显著(P>0.05);在0~5 mg/mL的浓度范围内,血球蛋白酶解产物清除ABTS自由基的能力大于血浆蛋白酶解产物,且在浓度为1 mg/mL时,两者清除ABTS自由基的能力差异性极显著(P<0.01);血浆蛋白酶解产物清除DPPH自由基的能力在0~5 mg/mL的浓度范围内随着蛋白浓度的增加而升高,血球蛋白酶解产物在蛋白浓度为4 mg/mL处达到最大清除率,之后下降;在0~20 mg/mL的浓度范围内,两种酶解产物的还原力随着蛋白浓度的提高显著升高,但两者还原力的差异性不显著(P>0.05);鳄鱼血浆和血球蛋白酶解产物对ACE具有良好的抑制力,其最大抑制率可分别达到75.56%和86.42%。研究表明,鳄鱼血蛋白酶解产物在体外具有抗氧化和抑制ACE的活性。
Study on the antioxidant properties and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitory activity of crocodile blood protein enzymatic hydrolysate
HUANG Heping1,CHEN Sunfu2,LUO Yongkang1
(1 College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China; 2 Guangxi Mengzhan of the Crocodile Technology Development Co.Ltd., Nanning 530028,China)
Abstract: The antioxidant properties and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity of enzymatic hydrolysate from crocodile blood protein were analyzed. The crocodile plasma and blood cell protein were hydrolyzed by papain, and then antioxidant properties and ACE inhibition rate of enzymatic hydrolysate were measured by spectrophotometer and HPLC. Results showed that there were no statistical significance (P>0.05) between the enzymatic hydrolysate of crocodile plasma and blood cell protein; the ABTS radical-scavenging ability of enzymatic hydrolysate from blood cell protein was higher than that from crocodile plasma protein from 0 to 5mg/mL of protein concentration, and there were statistical significance at P<0.01 between the two enzymatic hydrolysate at 1mg/mL; DPPH radical-scavenging ability of crocodile plasma protein enzymatic hydrolysate was enhanced with the increasing protein concentration during 0-5mg/mL, but that of blood cell protein reached the highest ability at 4mg/mL, then was declined; both the reducing power of two enzymatic hydrolysate increased evidently with the increasing protein concentration within 0-20mg/mL, but there were no statistical significance(P>0.05)between them ; crocodile plasma and blood cell protein enzymatic hydrolysate both revealed good ability of ACE inhibition, the maximum inhibition of them can reach 75.56% and 86.42%, respectively. Therefore, the enzymatic hydrolysate of crocodile blood protein has ability of antioxidant and ACE inhibition.
Key words: crocodile blood enzymatic hydrolysate antioxidant properties ACE inhibition