李 华,李文秀
(美国圣何塞州立大学工程学院计算机工程系,圣何塞市 加利福尼亚州 95192)
Wireless sensory networks for the livestock, poultry and aquaculture industry pollution monitoring applications
LI Hua, LI Wen-xiu
( Computer Engineering Department, College of Engineering, San Jose State University, California 95912, USA )
Abstract: This paper conducted a technical survey for the recent development of wireless sensory networks (WSN) and their potential applications in pollution monitoring in the livestock, poultry and aquaculture industry. WSN as one of the emerging technology evolved and developed from wireless communications, VLSI (Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits) technology and sensor technology. It integrated environment sensing, data processing and wireless communication functionality into one unit, suitable for ecological environment monitoring and pollution prevention. In this paper, we have looked at this technology applications in poultry and aquaculture industry. In addition, we have discussed the guidelines to address practical deployment of WSN: first, selection of proper wireless transmission bandwidth and protocols to achieve communication reliability and meet the desired data rate; secondly, choose modularized sensor interface hardware to optimize the cost-performance ratio and to gain inter-operability to the existing sensors.
Key words: wireless senor network; real-time environmental online monitoring; pollution source real-time monitoring, water pollution monitoring, aquaculture industry
作者简介:李华(1956—),男,圣何塞州立大学计算机工程系教授,多媒体及无线通讯研究室主任,天津大学电子工程学士,清华大学电机系研究生,美国爱荷华大学电子计算机博士。研究方向:无线通讯技术、多媒体技术、嵌入式系统技术以及超大规模集成电路等。E-mail: hualili@yahoo.com
(来源:《渔业现代化》 2008,35(2),28-31)