刘伟娜1,吴 垠1,徐 哲2,孙建明2
(1 大连水产学院生命科学与技术学院,大连,116023;2 大连汇新钛设备开发有限公司,大连,116030)
摘要:为了解决在光生物反应器养殖微藻过程中,溶解氧和pH值二个培养工艺参数的控制问题,分别在80 L、350 L和900 L三种规格的气升式光生物反应器中培养湛江等鞭金藻(1sochrysis zhanjiangensis),高藻细胞浓度分别达到900×104、700×104和500×104 cell/mL,测定其中溶氧和pH值的日变化。结果显示,在光照度4 000 lx以上时,湛江等鞭金藻光合作用强,表现为反应器中藻液溶氧较高,日最高溶氧分别可达17.91 mg/L、15.84 mg/L和12.7 mg/L。所测定的藻液日pH值均在7.0~9.16内变化。
The change of dissolved oxygen and pH in the marine microalgae cultivation of
air-life photobioreactor
LIU Wei-na1, WU Yin1, XU Zhe2, SUN Jian-ming2
(1 College of Life Science and Biotechnology, Dalian Fishery University, Dalian 116023, China;
2 Dalian Huixin Tianium Equipment Development Co., Dalian 116039, China)
Abstract: To provides reference frame for highly cultivation of microalgae in the air-lift photobioreator. The changes of dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH on the 900×104 cell/mL, 700×104 cell/mL, 500×104 cell/mL 1sochrysis zhanjiangensis cultivation in 80 L, 350 L, 900 L photobioreators were investigated. The photosynthesis intensity of 1sochrysis zhanjiangensis was high when the light strength was above 4 000 lx. Under three densities, 900×104 cell/mL, 700×104 cell/mL, 500×104 cell/mL, the highest DO could reach 17.91 mg/L,15.84 mg/L,12.7 mg/L separately; Compared with 80 L seed-size photobioreator, 350 L and 900 L high capability photobioreators were also good for the growth of 1sochrysis zhanjiangensis. The variety of pH values in each photobioreators were in 7.0~9.16 scopes.
Key words: photobioreactor; 1sochrysis zhanjiangensis; pH; dissolved oxygen; microalgae density
通讯作者:孙建明(1960-),教授级高级工程师,主要从事水产动物工艺学及设备研究。Email: sjm@dlhuixin.com
(《渔业现代化》 2008,35(2),6-10)