刘安勋,曹玉江,代 明,廖宗文
(华南农业大学新肥料研究中心,广州 510642)
Nanomaterial application in carp aquiculture experiment
LIU An-xun, CAOYu-jiang, DAI Ming, LIAO Zong-wen
( New Fertilizer Resources Research Center, South China Agriculture University, Guangzhou 510642, China )
Abstract: In order to research the effects of nanomaterials on carp growth and physio-chemical properties of the water, an experiment of carp aquiculture was conducted in lab condition on the effect of nanomaterial on small carps and physio-chemical properties. The result indicated that all the nanomaterial treatments could increase fish-survival rate. Nanonet treatment was the best among all treatments, showing survival rate with 100% increase, while water nitrite and nitrate decrease, nitrite decrease as low as 1/4 of control group. Nanomaterial increased water pH. The water quality was improved obviously. Nanotechnology has showed a broad prospect in aquiculture.
Key words:nanomaterial; nitrite; nitrate; aquiculture
作者简介:刘安勋(1962-),男,现任长江大学副教授,博士,主要从事植物营养及资源农用化研究。E-mail: lax2004@126.com
通讯作者:廖宗文(1947-),男,教授,主要从事土壤肥料及资源农用化研究。E-mail: zwliao@sohu.com
(《渔业现代化》 2008,35(2),24-27)