白遗胜,张贤刚,曹经晔,叶雄平,程宝林,刘寒文,张 春
(中国水产科学研究院长江水产研究所,湖北 荆州 434000)
摘要:2003—2005年,在长江水产研究所窑湾试验场创建淡水鱼类原良种场池塘水循环自然净化系统。该套系统由鱼类人工繁殖设施、养殖池塘、水生生物和排灌沟渠管道组成。监测结果表明,由循环起始的第1级循环池到终端的第7级循环池,溶氧不断增加,达到6~9 mg/L,氨氮、亚硝酸盐等有害物质和其他营养盐类大多降到最低值。该系统自动化程度高,净化水质好,鱼卵孵化率可达90%以上。系统运行既不需外部水源,又不对外排污,可正常地进行淡水鱼类原良种繁育与保存,是一种环境友好型、资源节约型和物质循环型养殖方式。
Study on self-purication system applied of freshwater fish origin and well-bred field
BAI Yi-sheng, ZHANG Xian-gang, CAO Jing-hua, YE Xiong-ping,
CHENG Bao-lin, LIU Han-wen, ZHANG Chun
( Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,
Jingzhou Hubei 434000, China )
Abstract: This pond recirculation water self-purification system was set up at Yaowan experiment base of Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute in 2003-2005.This system consist of fisheries artificial propagation facilities, cultivation pond , hydrobios and ditch for in and out of water. The results showed dissolved oxygen(DO) increased constantly ,from the frist class circulating pool to the terminal seventh one, DO reached 6 to 9mg/L; Noxious substance include amonia- nitrogen, nitrite-nitrogen and most of nutriment substance degradated to minimum.This system have advanced performance ,high automaticity, the purification effect is good , fish spawn breeding rate rench more than 90﹪.This system neither require exterior water resources nor let sewage , can multiply and conserve fish normally, which is a environment-friendly , resource -conserving and material-recirculating culture mode.
Keywords : pond culture; water-circulation; self-purification; fish breeding; facility aquaculture; extension and application
(《渔业现代化》 2008,35(3), )