齐巨龙,谭洪新,孙大川,罗国芝,吴嘉敏,车 轩
(上海水产大学生命科学与技术学院,上海 200090)
摘要:研究利用水芹(Oenanthe javanica)具有耐寒、适宜短日照季节生长的特性,通过静态净化试验,探讨低温季节水芹对N、P的净化效果,为水芹净化冬季养殖污水的实际应用提供理论依据。结果表明,在10℃~15 ℃低温条件下,水芹对水体中的氨氮和磷酸盐具强烈吸收作用。4 d中,水芹对3组不同质量浓度污水中氨氮和磷酸盐的去除率分别为:A组79.5%和31.9%,B组82.6%和48.8%,C组99.1%和72.7%。如存在三态氮,水芹优先吸收氨氮。利用SPSS软件通过非线性回归建立了静态条件下水芹对氨氮和磷酸盐的净化模型。水芹根际硝化细菌对水体氨氮净化也具有一定作用,对氨氮的去除贡献率约为10%~30%,水芹吸收的贡献率约为70%~90%。利用水芹净化冬季养殖污水具有生态和经济的综合效益。
Static purification of Oenanthe javanica for nitrogen and phosphorus
in the simulative aquaculture wastewater
QI Ju-long, TAN Hong-xin, SUN Da-chuan, LUO Guo-zhi, WU Jia-min, CHE Xuan.
( College of Aqua-Life Science and Technology, Shanghai Fisheries University, Shanghai 200090 )
Abstract: In the low temperature condition, the quantity and activity of the microorganism was restrained. So it was imminently to find the suitable plant species to purify the aquaculture wastewater in winter. Oenanthe javanica was satisfied the requirements. In a low temperature of 10~15 ℃, Oenanthe javanica was used to static purify the nitrogen and phosphate in the simulative aquaculture wastewater. It was showed that Oenanthe javanica could uptake ammonia and phosphorus efficiently. The removal rates of ammonia and phosphorus from water were A: 79.5% and 31.9%, B: 82.6% and 48.8%, C: 99.1% and 72.7%, respectively. The decreases of ammonia and phosphorus in this system could be described by two models. The Oenanthe javanica rhizosphere nitrobacteria’s nitrification was another way to remove ammonia. Oenanthe javanica could be used to purify aquaculture wastewater in winter, save energy and provide an extra commercial crop.
Key words: aquaculture; purification of wastewater; low temperature; Oenanthe javanica; purification model
通讯作者:谭洪新(1968—),男,教授,从事设施渔业及生态工程研究。E-mail: hxtan@shfu.edu.cn
(《渔业现代化》 2008,35(3),6-10)