张宇雷1,倪 琦1,2,徐 皓1,刘 晃2
(1 十大网投正规信誉官网,上海 200092;
2 中国水产科学研究院渔业水体净化技术和系统研究重点开放实验室,上海 200092)
摘要:采用单因子试验方法,分别测试了气液体积比、布水孔径和吸收腔高度对于低压纯氧混合装置工作性能的影响。结果表明,在水温26~27 ℃,单位处理水流量18 m3/h,布水孔径6 mm,吸收腔高度38 cm条件下,当气液体积比(gas liquid ratio,G/L)从0.006 7:1上升到0.013 3:1后,平均氧吸收效率从72.62 %下降到了57.27 %,而平均出水溶解氧增量从6.57 mg/L上升到10.37 mg/L。低压纯氧混合装置的理想工作点在气液体积比0.01:1左右。此时,出水溶解氧相对于源水增加10 mg/L左右,氧吸收效率大约为70 %。在吸收腔高度40 cm,出水溶解氧增量达到10.9 mg/L时,低压纯氧混合装置的动力效率就能达到6.63 kg O2/(kW?h)。
Studies on the performance of Energy Saving Oxygenator
ZHANG Yu-lei1, NI Qi1,2, XU Hao1, LIU Huang2
(1. Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 20092, China;
2. Key laboratory of fishery water treatment, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, CAFS, Shanghai 20092, China)
Abstract: In this paper a testing system was set up to evaluate the influence of gas-liquid ratio, distribution hole size and absorption chamber height on its working performance by means of single factor test. The testing results show that under the situation water temperature 26-27℃, distribution hole size 4mm, absorption chamber height 38 cm, when the G/L ratio increases from 0.006 7:1 to 0.013 3:1 the average absorption efficiency will decrease from 72.62% to 57.27% and the average delta DO concentration will increase from 6.57 to 10.37 mg/L. The author believes that under this situation the Energy Saving Oxygenator do the best at the gas liquid ratio about 0.01:1 which can make the effluent DO concentration increased about 10mg/L. On the aspect of energy consumption, the transfer efficiency may get 6.63 kg O2/(kW?h) with absorption chamber height 40cm and effluent DO concentration 10.9mg/L.
Key words: pure oxygen; gas transfer; dissolved oxygen; efficiency; energy cost
作者简介:张宇雷(1980-),男,硕士,研究方向:水产养殖工程。E-mail: Zhangyl121@hotmail.com
通讯作者:倪琦(1968—),男,高级工程师,硕士,研究方向:水产养殖工程。E-mail: niqi2000@hotmail.com
(《渔业现代化》 2008,35(3),1-5)