田景波1,王印庚1,孙修涛1,张 辉1,2,黄 滨1
(1 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,青岛 266071;2 大连水产学院,大连 116023)
摘要:为保护海域环境质量,减轻养殖产业的自身污染,在浙江省东海塘水产养殖基地的设计中,为505.1 hm2的海水养殖池塘配置了80.0 hm2的潮汐式人工湿地生物净化池和13.3 hm2的河道式颗粒物降解系统。模型试验表明,海水人工湿地净化的工艺流程基本合理,净化系统运行平稳,经过跌水曝气—微生物膜降解—沙蚕摄食—缢蛏、牡蛎滤食—江蓠、紫菜、龙须菜的组合吸收等过程,养殖废水的COD、PO43--P、TAN、TSS等4项主要污染指标的平均降解率分别为70.45%、65.98%、71.10%、91.37%,取得了较显著的效果,实现了海水养殖废水的净化、减排的目的。
Design and engineering of mariculture effluents purification system
TIAN Jing-bo1, WANG Ying-geng1, SUN Xiu-tao1, ZHANG Hui1,2, HUANG Bin1
( 1 Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China,
2 Dalian Fisheries University, Dalian 116023, China )
Abstract: In order to reduce the aquaculture pollution and protect the marine environment, the authors employed 80 hm2 tidal constructed wetland biofilters and 13.3 hm2 channeled particulates biodegradation system for the 505.1 hm2 mariculture pond at Donghaitang Aquaculture Base in Zhejiang Province. Experiments results showed that the effluent purification system of constructed wetland is generally reasonable and runs stably. Through the process of water dropping aeration, biofilm degradation, grazing of zoobenthos Perinereis aibnhitensis, filter feeding of mollusks Sinonovacula constricat and Ostrea rivularis, absorbing of floating macrophytes Gracilaria lichevoides, Porphyra yezoensis and Gracilaria sjoestedtill, the removal of COD, PO43-P, TAN and TSS were as follows: 70.45%, 65.98%, 71.10% and 91.37%, respectively. The objective of effluent purification has been implemented and many remarkable achievements have been gained in this research.
Key words: mariculture; effluent treatment; purification; design; engineering
作者简介:田景波(1961—),男,副研究员,硕士生导师,主要从事水产养殖工程规划设计及工艺技术研究。E-mail: tianjb@ysfri.ac.cn
(《渔业现代化》 2008,35(2),1-5)