张延青1,刘 鹰2,冯亚鹏1
(1 青岛理工大学,青岛,266033;2 中国科学院海洋研究所,青岛,266071)
摘要: 臭氧消毒后生成的氧化物如果过量将影响养殖生物和饵料微藻的生长,为此采用经臭氧处理的海水培养小球藻(Chlorella spp.),分析臭氧处理海水生成氧化物对小球藻生长的影响以及臭氧处理海水后氨氮(NH4+-N)和亚硝酸盐氮(NO2-—N)含量变化。试验结果表明,在温度(25±1)℃,光照度10 000 lx左右,光照时数:黑暗时数为14 h:10 h,pH 8.0±0.1,盐度30.0±0.1的条件下,臭氧生成氧化物质量浓度<0.735 mg/L时,对小球藻不产生毒害作用;在臭氧生成氧化物质量浓度>1.036 mg/L时,有明显的毒害作用(小球藻大量死亡);浓度为2.364 mg/L时,小球藻全部死亡。经臭氧处理的海水,其氨氮和亚硝酸盐氮的浓度降低,其中氨氮最大降低82.6%。
Effect of Ozone Produced Oxidant in Seawater to the Growth of Chlorella spp. and water quality
ZHANG Yan-qing1, LIU Ying 2, FENG Ya-peng1
(1 Qingdao Technological University, Qingdao 2660003,China
2 Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 266071,China)
Abstract:The effect of Ozone produced oxidants in seawater to the growth of chlorella spp. and water quality was studied. Meanwhile, NH4+-N and NO2--N concentration in seawater by treated ozone were analyzed. The results showed that the density of OPO under the level of 0.735mg L-1 was harmless to the growth of chlorella spp., while it was obviously harmful above 1.036mg L-1 and lots of chlorella sp. had perished. NH4+ -N and NO2--N concemtration in ozone treated seawater decreased.
Key words:ozone produced oxidant; Chlorella spp.;micro-algae;seed breeding; water quality purification
(摘自《渔业现代化》 2008,35(4),20-23)