周 阳1, 2,陈有光1,段登选1,王 妹2,刘红彩1 ,陈金萍1
(1 山东省淡水水产研究所,济南 250117;2 上海海洋大学,上海 201306)
摘要:为进一步研究凤眼莲漂浮密度与水体净化效果,在100 L水体中进行了凤眼莲100 g、200 g、300 g、400 g和500 g的梯度水培试验。经过10 d养殖试验,凤眼莲均相对增重80.9%以上。根据漂浮密度与相对增重率关系式y = 6×10-6x2 -0.005x + 1.850 7(r=0.998 9),凤眼莲最大漂浮密度为1.3 kg/m2。试验组对水体总氮、总磷最大降解速率为33.8 mg/kg?d和8.4 mg/ kg?d,为把凤眼莲控制在合理漂浮密度并有效净化水质提供了实验依据。
Study on the float density and purification capacity of Eichhornia crassipes
ZHOU Yang2 ,CHEN Youguang1 ,DUAN Dengxuan1 ,WANG Mei2 ,LIU Hongcai1, CHEN Jinping1
( 1 Fresh Water Fisheries Research Institute Of Shandong Provinces1 jinan 250117;
2 Shanghai Fisheries University2 shanghai 200090 )
Abstract: It carried on single factor gradient water experiment that 100g, 200g, 300g, 400g and 500g Eichhornia crassipes was separately put into the small water body . After 10 days of cultivation, the experiment indicated that the Eichhornia crassipes all relatively increased weight above 80.9%. According to the relationship between the float density and the rate of relatively increased weight y=6×10-6x2 - 0.005x + 1.8507 (r=0.9989), the greatest float density of Eichhornia crassipes is 1.3㎏/㎡. During the experiment, the maximum degeneration speed of total nitrogen and the total phosphorus that Eichhornia crassipes roles in the water body is 33.8 mg/㎏?d and 8.4mg/㎏?d. It had provided the effective scientific basis for controlling the reasonable float density of Eichhornia crassipes and purifying the water quality.
Key words: Eichhornia crassipes, float density, TN, TP, purification capacity
通讯作者:陈有光(1961—),男,研究员,从事水产养殖与设施渔业专业研究。E-mail: chenyouguang2000@yahoo.com.cn
(摘自《渔业现代化》 2008,35(4),32-35)