杨世平1,刘慧玲2,李 活3,陈妃业2,黄翔鹄2
(1 广东海洋大学,广东省海洋开发研究中心,湛江 524025;
2 广东海洋大学水产学院,湛江 524025;3 茂名市金阳热带海珍养殖有限公司,茂名 525027)
摘要:对无菌和带菌的波吉卵囊藻(Oocystis borge)和小球藻(Chlorella sp.)生长特点进行比较研究,并且研究光照和盐度对无菌和带菌的波吉卵囊藻和小球藻生长的影响。结果表明:与带菌藻相比,无菌藻更加稳定,不易老化。 光照和盐度对无菌和带菌的波吉卵囊藻和小球藻的生长均有显著影响(P<0.05),但在相同条件下,无菌和带菌藻的增殖率差异不显著(P>0.05)。这说明可以直接利用无菌化微藻代替自然带菌藻进行微藻的生理特征以及微藻与其它生物之间关系的研究。
Comparative research on the growth characteristics of two microalgae under nonaxenic and axenic conditions
YANG Shi-ping1, LIU Hui-ling2, LI Huo3, CHENG Fei-ye2, HUANG Xiang-hu2
( 1 Marine Development and Research Center of Guangdong Province, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524025, China;
2 Fisheries College, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524088, China;
3 Maoming Jinyang Tropical Fish Cultivation Co., Ltd , Maoming 525027, China )
Abstract: The growth characteristics of nonaxenic and axenic Oocystis borge and Chlorella sp. were studied. Effect of illumination and salinity on the growth of nonaxenic and axenic O. borge and Chlorella sp. were investigated. The results show that compared with nonaxenic microalgae, axenic microalgae can maintain a more stable and longer lasting culture. Illumination and salinity has effect significantly on the growth of nonaxenic and axenic O. borge and Chlorella sp. (P<0.05). There were no significant (P>0.05) differences in the growth rate of nonaxenic and axenic microalgae in the same conditions (P>0.05). It indicates that axenic microalgae may instead of nonaxenic microalgae for research on the physiological and biochemical characteristics of microalgae and the relationship between microalgae and other biology.
Key words: Oocystis borge; Chlorella sp.; axenic; growth characteristics; illumination; salinity
作者简介:杨世平(1977—),男,助理研究员,主要从事水产养殖及水产微生物学研究。E-mail: ysp20010@sina.com
(来源:《渔业现代化》 2009,36(5):45-49)