陈丰刚1,刘 问3,韦肖杭3
摘要:对罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)育苗后的废海水生物净化及重复使用进行研究。采用自行设计的整体式生物过滤器,通过生物膜处理废水,结果表明,处理后的废海水中的NH4-N和NO2--N分别为0.47~1.21 mg/L和0.036~0.100 mg/L,符合罗沼虾幼体生长要求。2008年试验池水体12.76 m3,育苗各阶段使用50%~80%净化海水,虾苗产量达8万尾/m3,成活率96.2%,虾苗规格0.90 cm,与原配制海水无明显差异,节约净化海水57.52%。
Purification and reuse of waste water from Macrobrachium rosenbergii larvae culture
SHEN Nai-feng1, SHEN Qin-hua2, LAO Shun-jian1,WANG Chun-fang2,
ZHOU Zhi-jin1, CHEN Feng-gang1, LIU Wen3, WEI Xiao-hang3
( 1 Huzhou Aquaculture Extension Station, Huzhou 313000, China; 2 Huzhou Enviroment Science Institute, Huzhou 313000, China; 3 Zhejiang Institute of Freshwater Fisheris, Huzhou 313000, China )
Abstract: The artificial sea water is widely used in Macrobrachium rosenbergii larvae culture in freshwater regions. In Huzhou, more than 8 000 tons of artificial sea water are used and discharged into the water ways around, causing a serious water and soil pollutions. In this paper, the author studied on reuse of waste water discharged from the larvae culture ponds. A bio-filter set designed by author was used for purification. The recirculation treated water was reused in M. rosenbergii larvae culture. The results showed that the bio-filter set could effectively remove the NH4-N, NO2-N and other harmful substances in waste water. The NH4-N, NO2-N in recycled water could reach to 0.47~1.21 mg/L and 0.036~0.100 mg/L respectively, fitting the requirements for M. rosenbergii larvae growth. This bio-filter set was successfully used in larvae tanks of M. rosenbergii larvae farm in Huzhou in 2008, saving about 57.52% artificial sea water. The survival rate of larvae was 96.2%, with the production of 80 000 ind./m3 larvae sized of 0.90 cm. It indicates that bio-filter set can effectively used for purification of discharged waste from M. rosenbergii larvae culture, which can be reused for M. rosenbergii larvae culture.
Key words: Macrobrachium rosenbergii; bio-purification; larvae culture waste water; reuse
作者简介:沈乃峰(1964—),男,高级工程师,研究方向:水产养殖技术研究及推广。E-mail: snakeheadfish@hotmail.com
(来源:《渔业现代化》 2009,36(5):32-35)