何洁1、2、3,刘 瑀1,张立勇2,刘长发2、3
(1 大连海事大学环境工程学院,大连 116026;2 大连海洋大学海洋环境工程学院,大连116023;
3 辽宁省高校近岸海洋环境科学与技术重点实验室,大连 116023)
摘要:研究大型海藻孔石莼(Ulva pertusa)、条浒苔(Enteromorpha clathrata)和巨角叉菜(Chondrus nipponicus)对氨氮、硝酸态氮和磷酸盐磷的静态吸收动力学。三种海藻对氨氮的吸收可用一级动力学方程描述,孔石莼、条浒苔和巨角叉菜的吸收速率常数分别为:0.244/h(R2=0.992)、0.124/h (R2=0.962)、0.096/h (R2=0.951)。孔石莼和条浒苔对氨氮的吸收分快速、平稳和缓慢吸收3个阶段,而巨角叉菜对氨氮的吸收开始较慢,随后加快,最后缓慢;三种海藻吸收硝酸态氮规律相似,可用一级动力学方程描述。巨角叉菜对硝酸态氮吸收最好,条浒苔则吸收不理想。三种海藻对硝酸态氮的吸收速率远低于氨氮。孔石莼和巨角叉菜对磷酸盐磷有吸收,孔石莼的吸收速率高于巨角叉菜,条浒苔对磷酸盐磷吸收不明显。
The study on the nutrient uptake kinetics of three kinds of macro-alga
HE Jie 1, 2, LIU Yu1, ZHANG Li-yong2, LIU Chang-fa2
( 1 Environmental Science and Engineering College, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116023, China;
2 School of Marine Environmental Engineering, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian 116023, China;
3 Key Laboratory of Offshore Marine Environmental Science and Technology of Liaoning Higher Education, Dalian 116023, China )
Abstract: The ammonium, nitrate and phosphate uptake kinetics of Ulva pertusa, Enteromorpha clathrata and Chondrus nipponicus were studied in this paper. The ammonium uptake of three macro-algae followed the first-order dynamics and velocity constant were: U.pertusa, 0.244/h (R2=0.992), E.clathrata 0.124/h (R2=0.962) and C.nipponicus 0.096/h (R2=0.951), respectively. Three distinct phases of ammonium uptake of U.pertusa and E.clathrata were apparent: surge uptake, internally controlled uptake and externally controlled uptake. C.nipponicus followed the different rules. The nitrate uptake of three macro-alga also followed the first-order dynamics. With comparing, the velocity constant of C.nipponicu was highest and of E.clathrata was lowest in three kinds of alga. The ammonium uptake rate is much faster than the nitrate. The phosphate uptake of U.pertusa was better than of C.nipponicus, the uptake rule of E.clathrata was not apparent under selected condition.
Key words: Ulva pertusa; Enteromorpha clathrata; Chondrus nipponicus; nutrient; kinetics of nutrient uptake
通讯作者:刘长发(1964—),男,教授,博士,主要从事渔业环境科学与工程教学与研究工作。E-mail: cfliu@dlfu.edu.cn