张小明,郭根喜,陶启友,黄小华,胡 昱
(中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所,广州 510300)
Rotating jet hitting force of the high-pressure water-jet manifold underwater net-washing machine
ZHANG Xiao-ming, GUO Gen-xi, TAO Qi-you, HUANG Xiao-hua, HU Yu
( South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Guangzhou 510300, China )
Abstract: The paper obtained the rotating jet angular velocity and hitting force of the high-pressure water-jet manifold underwater net-washing machine, according to hydraulic dynamics and the self-rotating of the model. Analyses showed that the rotating hitting force F diminished with the deflection angle increasing, but increased with the pressure p, gyration radius R and the nozzle diameter d increasing; a reasonable choice of nozzle diameter d would significantly enhanced the role of the rotating hitting force F, while the increase of the gyration radius R had not good effect of the jet hitting force F; the rotating jet hitting force is more conducive to raising the efficiency of washing net than that of the non-rotating jet hitting force. Sea washing experiments demonstrated that the rotating jet hitting force washed net well under the suitable pressure and flux.
Key words: water-jet; net-washing machine; rotating; jet hitting force; net
作者简介:张小明(1982—),男,助研,博士,研究方向:渔业设施工程与装备技术研究。E-mail: xilen_2@yahoo.com.cn