胡 雄,谢从新,何绪刚,杨慧君,鲜 莹,陈 见,邵 俭,张 松
(华中农业大学水产学院,武汉 430070)
摘要:运用浮床系统,比较研究了华中地区4个常见空心菜(Ipomoea aqutica Forsskal )品种(大叶青梗、细叶青梗、大叶白梗、柳叶白梗)在富营养池塘中的生长特性和对水体氮、磷的去除能力。结果表明:大叶白梗在生物量的积累速度、生长潜能、生长周期上明显优于其它3个品种;大叶青梗和大叶白梗空心菜对各形态氮、磷的去除率最高,对NH4+、NO3-、TN、PO43-和TP的15 d累积去除率分别为79.35~91.39%、84.38~85.32%、62.30~68.98%、70.09~85.26%和77.95~78.88%。综合比较,大叶白梗空心菜是4个品种中最佳的浮床材料,可广泛用于池塘等相关富营养水体的修复。
Studies on the growthing characteristics of Ipomoea aquatica cultivars grown in eutrophicated ponds and their purification efficiency
HU Xiong, XIE Cong-xin, HE Xu-gang, YANG Hui-jun, XIAN Ying, CHEN Jian, SHAO Jian, ZHANG Song
( College of Fisheries, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China )
Abstract: Experiments were carried out to compare the growth features and water purification efficiency of different Ipomoea aquatica Forsskal cultivars at the floating-bed . Besides small body of water test, the I. aquatica young seedings were planted in ponds for test. Results show that wide-leaf white-skin I. aquatica is the best breed for its higher growth velocity, longer vegetative cycle and more buds produce which was grown in eutrophication ponds. The small body of water test results show that different I. aquatica cultivars have different ability of eutrophication water quality improvement, the removal rate of NH4+、NO3-、TN、PO43-、TP by wide-leaf green-skin and wide-leaf white-skin I. aquatica are 79.35~91.39%、84.38~85.32%、62.30~68.98%、70.09~85.26%、77.95~78.88%, they are higher than the other two breeds. As a result, wide-leaf white-skin I. aquatica is the best cultivars to apply in the floating-bed for purifying of eutrophicated water bodies in ponds and similar waters.
Key words: Ipomoea aquatica Forsskal cultivars; eutrophicated water; growth characteristics; water purification efficiency
作者简介:胡雄(1985—),硕士研究生,研究方向:水产养殖环境。E-mail: huxiong@webmail.hzau.edu.cn
通讯作者:谢从新,教授,E-mail: xiecongxin@mail.hzau.edu.cn