葛长字1,秦 耿2, 彭小经2
(1 山东大学威海分校海洋学院,威海 264209; 2 中国海洋大学水产学院,青岛 266003)
摘要:为确定磷酸盐在颗粒沉降物-水界面迁移的稳定时间,用静水法培养采自网箱养殖区,并事先在60 ℃烘至恒重、保持自然粒度的颗粒沉降物。培养时间分别为24,36,48,72 h。磷酸盐在颗粒沉降物-水界面的迁移具有时空异质性,同一站位的颗粒沉降物随着培养时间延长,迁移速度降低。磷酸盐在颗粒沉降物-水界面迁移行为的变异程度同样具有时空异质性,但培养时间为48 h时,迁移速度的变异程度最低,迁移最稳定。
Primary study on steady transfer time of phosphate across the interface between water and setting-particulate-matters sampled from cage culture zones
GE Chang-zi1, QIN Geng2, PENG Xiao-jing 2
( 1 Marine College, Shandong University at Weihai, Weihai 264209, China;
2 Fisheries College, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, China )
Abstract: In order to master the steady transfer time of phosphate across the water-SPM interface, setting particulate matters sampled from cage culture zones were cultivated by one static water system for about 24, 36, 48 and 72 hours, respectively. Before the experiment, the SPM was dried to constant at 60℃ and kept natural size relatively. The results showed that the transfer speed of phosphate across the water-SPM interface had temporal and spatial heterogeneity. At one given sampling site, transfer speed of phosphate at the interface between water and setting particulate matters decreased with increased culturing time. Just like transfer speeds, variation degree of transfer speed had temporal and spatial heterogeneity. After cultured for 48 hours, variation degree of transfer speeds reached the minimum, which meant transfer of phosphate at the interface became steadily.
Key words: setting particulate matters; phosphate; interface between water and setting-particulate-matters; steady transfer time
作者简介:葛长字(1973—),博士,主要从事水生态系统健康及养殖容量研究。E-mail: changzige@ouc.edu.cn