张继红1,任黎华1,2,吴 桃1,张明亮1,王 巍1,方建光1
(1 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,青岛 266071;
2 青岛农业大学动物科技学院,青岛 266109)
摘要:于2010年5月、7月、8月和10月对桑沟湾筏式养鲍区的沉积环境进行现场调查,采用挪威海洋研究所建立的鱼类养殖环境监测系统模型(Modelling-Ongrowing fish farms-Monitoring-Ongrowing fish farms-Modelling,MOM)系统,对该区的有机物污染情况进行了综合评价。应用MOM-B着重对鲍养殖区网箱周围的沉积环境状态状况进行监测和评价,由生物、化学和感官指标组组成。生物指标组的结果显示,各站位都有大型底栖动物,鲍养殖区处于1,2 或者3等级。根据化学指标组(pH值和氧化还原电位Eh)和感官指标组(颜色、气味、气泡、粘稠度等)的监测结果进行了进一步的评价,结果显示,各站位的pH值>>7.0,为弱碱性,沉积物都无气泡产生,无臭味或硫化氢气味。鲍养殖区的沉积环境状况整体良好,5月和7月为1级,8月和10月为2级。虽然鲍养殖区目前的沉积环境状况较好,但需要注意的是8月和10月,Eh氧化还原电位值<<0,沉积环境已经处于还原状态,可能与鲍养殖压力有关。
关键词:筏式养鲍;环境压力;鱼类养殖环境监测系统模型(MOM system)系统;桑沟湾
Assessment of the local environmental impact of abalone suspended longline culture—Application of the MOM system in Sungo Bay
ZHANG Ji-hong1,#, REN Li-hua1, 2, WU Tao1, ZHANG Ming-liang1, WANG Wei1, FANG Jian-guang1
(1 Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China;
2 Animal Science Institute, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao 266109, China)
Abstract: Sediment environmental parameters were investigated in abalone long-line culture area of Sungo Bay in May, July, August and October, 2010. Impact of abalone long-line culture on the sediment environment was assessed by the method of Norway MOM system (Modelling-Ongrowing fish farms-Monitoring) system. Faunal investigation results showed animals larger than 1 mm in the sediment is present, environmental condition was not unacceptable. Chemical investigation and sensory investigation results showed pH of every each station were was larger greater than 7.0, no gas bubbles and without H2S smell. Totally, the sediment environment was well, in of condition 1 in May and July and, in condition 2 in August and October. Current situation is good, but it should be pay more attention that, the redox potential values were negative in August and October, the sedimentary environment was in reductive state, which stress may related of abalone long-line culture.
Key words: abalone long-line culture; environmental impact; MOM system (Modelling-Ongrowing fish farms-Monitoring) (MOM) system; Sungo Bay
作者简介:张继红(1969—),女,研究员,博士,主要从事养殖生理生态学及容量评估工作。E-mail: zhangjh@ysfri.ac.cn