摘要:为了便于清除近海海面的海藻,设计了一种水陆两栖海藻收集装置,利用负压抽吸原理由吸收装置将海水和海藻的混合物抽入到收集箱内,再利用重力分离原理由过滤装置实现海水和海藻的分离。通过理论分析模拟和实验验证可得出:随着抽吸管直径增大,其抽吸流量越大,收集箱内漩涡位置离入口越远,抽吸效果越好。但考虑到制作费用等实际情况,抽吸管直径不易过大,以φ78 mm为最佳。这种海藻收集装置具有处理量大、收集效果好、不易堵塞、使用方便等诸多优点,可以应用于各种海洋藻类的收集、分离和清理,且还非常适合潮间带海藻的收集和清理,应用前景非常广阔。
Research on a seaweed collection device
with negative pressure suction
YU Guo-xiang, ZHANG Bin, MEI Ning
( College of Eng, Ocean Univ. of China, Qingdao 266100,China )
Abstract: To remove the seaweed in offshore, the paper designed an amphibious seaweed collection device. With negative pressure suction, it uses an absorption equipment to make seawater and seaweed taken into the collection box. Then with gravity separation principle, it uses filtering device to finish the separation of seawater and seaweed. Theoretical analysis simulation and experimental show that as the diameter of the suction tubes increases, the flux will be bigger, the position of vertex will be farther away from the entrance in the box, and the suction effect will be better. However, actual situation will be taken into consideration, it would be best that he diameter of the suction tubes is 78 mm. The device has good effect in large quantity, collection, difficult jamming, and convenient operation and so on. It can be used to collect and remove kinds of seaweed; it is good at cleaning up seaweed in the intertidal zone. So its application prospect is wide.
Key words: seaweed; collection device; negative pressure suction; gravity separation