朱健康,杨章武,丁 兰,王辉荣,黄桂芳,魏观渊
摘要:通过小水体试验和实船运输观察研究了真鲷(Pagrosomus major)和斜带髭鲷(Hapalogenys nitens)活鱼运输的密度和水温。结果表明,利用控温循环水系统,运输密度62.5~83.3 kg/m3,水温15~16 ℃条件下运输真鲷和斜带髭鲷活鱼是适宜的,运输过程中水质和溶氧的变化都在可允许范围之内,运输存活率可达到98%。
Proper density and temperature for living transportation of Pagrosomus major and Hapalogenys nitens
ZHU Jian-kang, YANG Zhang-wu, DING Lan, WANG Hui-rong, HUANG Gui-fang, WEI Guan-yuan
(Fisheries Research Institute of Fujian Province, Xiamen 361012, China)
Abstract: Experiment on the effects of density and temperature on the survival rates of Pagrosomus major in small volume tanks was carried out in the laboratory. As welll as observation on the effects of density and temperature of water on the survival rates of Pagrosomus major and Hapalogenys nitens was operated in a vessel with temperature-controlled water circulation system. The results showed that the stocking density of 62.5~83.3 kg/m3 and the water temperature of 15~16 ℃ were proper for living transportation of Pagrosomus major and Hapalogenys nitens. During the transportation the rearrange of water quality and dissolved oxygen were in a permissible range while the survival rate of the fish could be above 98%.
Key words: Pagrosomus major; Hapalogenys nitens; living transportation; stocking density; water temperature