郭正龙,杨小玉,丁 伟,于贤朋
(江苏中洋集团,江苏 海安 226600)
摘要:暗纹东方鲀(Takifugu obscurus)高效健康的养殖模式就是利用河鲀在长江内的生态和生理洄游规律,模拟河鲀生殖洄游的历程,在每一养殖阶段充分考虑河鲀在自然状态下生态系统的改变和生理系统的调节,长江环境因素的改变对河鲀生长和品质的影响,以及河鲀生存环境内的物质流动和能量循环因素。通过的探索研究,该一体化模式养殖的河鲀品味更鲜、生态、安全。
A brief discussion on efficient and healthy aquaculture model of Takifugu obscurus
GUO Zheng-long, YANG Xiao-yu, DING Wei, YU Xian-peng
( Jiangsu Zhongyang Group,Co., Ltd. Haian Jiangsu 226600, China )
Abstract: The efficient and healthy three-stage aquaculture model of Takifugu obscurus simulates the reproductive migratory behaviour of changjiang raw puffer fish following the ecological and physiological migratory characters. It is divided into three stages: emphasize the seed rearing techniques from the beginning; improve the ecological quality through nature’s back; develop the efficient and healthy culture by raw fish domestication. The ecological and physiological changes of nature fish, environmental effects of Changjiang River on the fish growth and quality, factors of metabolism and energy cycles of fish culture are considered in every stage. After 18 years research, Jiangsu Zhong Yang Group designs the three-stage aquaculture model based on the Takifugu obscurus migratory behaviour in Changjiang River.
Key words: Takifugu obscurus; puffer; aquaculture model
作者简介:郭正龙(1974—),男,工程师,农学学士,主要从事河鲀等长江珍稀鱼类工厂化育苗、养殖和病害防治技术研究。E-mail: guozhenglong2008@yahoo.cn