罗国芝,鲁 璐,杜 军,刘 倩,董明来
(上海海洋大学水产与生命学院,上海 201306)
摘 要:通过硝化作用和反硝化作用可以有效控制循环水养殖系统水中的氨氮、亚硝酸氮和硝酸氮。进行水产养殖用水硝化作用的生物过滤器的研究已经系统而深入,而关于养殖用水反硝化作用的脱氮反应器的研究则并未引起相应的关注。水产养殖用水进行异养反硝化必需添加碳源。在已有的研究中,经常使用的甲醇等有机液体碳源存在添加量不易控制、出水有残留等弊端;可生物降解聚合物被证明是比较理想的水产养殖用水异养反硝化碳源的选择之一;近年来对以养殖活动中产生的残饵和粪便作为异养反硝化内供碳源的研究也引起了广泛的关注。总结了近年来循环水水产养殖系统异养反硝化不同种类碳源的效率、在实际生产中的可操作性的相关研究进展。
The current status of the research about the carbon source of the heterotrophic denitrification of recirculating aquaculture system
LUO Guo-zhi LU Lu DU Jun LIU Qian DONG Ming-lai
(College of Fisheries and Life Science of Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, 201306 China )
Abstract:Aerobic biological filtration systems employing nitrifying bacteria to remediate excess ammonia and nitrite concentrations are common components of recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). Nitrite is the end result of the nitrification and is removed either by a denitrification process that ideally converts nitrate-N to nitrogen gas or by water exchange. The disadvantage of denitrification treatment with liquid carbon source is the need of a close, rather sophisticated and costly process control, the risk of overdosing and a deepened knowledge about the operation of this biological system. The biodegradable polymers as substrate and biofilm carriers is better choice for the denitrification progress of the aquaculture water. The organic solid-wastes taken from the solids-filter of a RAS as carbon source which termed single-sludge denitrification is induced much interest today. This paper reviewed the organic carbon source used in the denitrification of the aquaculture water mainly about the production scale farm.
Key words: aquacultural water, heterotrophic denitrification, organic carbon source, Recirculating Aquaculture System