宋奔奔,吴 凡,倪 琦,张宇雷,庄保陆
(农业部渔业工程与装备重点实验室,十大网投正规信誉官网,上海 200092)
摘 要:随着水产养殖业逐渐向高密度、集约化方向的发展,对养殖水体溶解氧浓度的要求越来越高。目前对循环水高密度养殖水体中溶解氧的收支平衡的基础研究较少,如何提高氧气的溶解效率、减少氧气的逸出、合理控制溶解氧水平等技术难关的突破对循环水养殖技术的提高具有重大的意义。该文旨在通过阐述曝气技术的设计理论基础以及曝气设备的最近发展现状,比较各式曝气器的性能参数,从而为封闭循环水养殖曝气系统的设计和曝气器的选择提供理论支持,推动封闭式循环水向精准化的环保节能方向发展。
Aeration system designing and aeration devices selection in Recirculating Aquaculture system
SONG Ben-ben, WU Fan, NI Qi, ZHANG Yu-lei, ZHUANG Bao-lu
(Laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture,Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai, 200092, China)
Abstract: Dissolved oxygen in water body plays on more and more important role in recirculating aquaculture while developing to higher density and intensification. At present, it’s studied not so much about dissolved oxygen budget and mass balance in intensive recirculating aquaculture system. These problems such as how to improve oxygen dissolving efficiency, decrease oxygen loss and control dissolved oxygen in appropriate level are growing more prominent in recirculating aquaculture system technology. Aeration theory and designing principles, aeration devices characteristics are illustrated and elaborated in the paper to improve the designing of recirculating aquaculture aeration system and the selecting of aeration devices, promoting recirculating aquaculture system technology developing to more environment-friendly and energy conservation.
Key words: recirculating aquaculture;dissolved oxygen;aeration devices;energy consumption
作者简介:宋奔奔(1983—),男,硕士,助理工程师,研究方向:水产工程与生态学。E-mail: benpeak@126.com