(福建省漳州市水产技术推广站,福建 漳州 363000)
摘要:通过对3种不同养殖面积 (0.167 hm2,0.333 hm2,0.667 hm2)的高位池精养凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus Vannamei) 的体长和体重进行跟踪测量,研究其生长特性及养殖效果。结果表明:凡纳滨对虾体长和体重呈幂函数关系;体长、体重生长特性表现在养殖早期(0-40 d)各池对虾体长和体重的生长差异不显著(p>0.05);50 d后,0.333 hm2池对虾体长、体重生长明显快其余两组(p<0.05);60 d后,0.333 hm2池、0.167 hm2池对虾体长、体重生长明显大于0.667 hm2池(p<0.05);体长与养殖时间呈直线性关系;体重与养殖时间呈曲线性关系;0.333 hm2池的养殖成活率、单尾虾重、单产分别比0.167 hm2和0.667 hm2的养殖成活率提高9.7%和28.5%、11.6%和13.9%、22.5%和46.3%。3个池饵料系数分别为1.21、1.28和1.18。
Comparison of Growth Characteristics in Different Area of Higher-altitude Culture ponds with intensive Culturing of Litopenaeus Vannamei
Abstract: According to the data of body length and weight of Litopenaeus Vannamei cultured in intensive ponds (0.167 hm2、0.333 hm2、0.667 hm2) above sea level, where its growth characteristics and Culture results were studied. The results showed that the relationship between shrimp BL and BW fit to the power model W=aLb, which the regress equations were W = 0.0246L2.6895(R2= 0.9934)、W = 0.023L2.7719(R2= 0.9860) and W = 0.0215L2.8502(R2 = 0.9862) in higher-altitude culture ponds, respectively. The growth characteristics of body length and weight were showed that shrimp growth of higher-altitude culture ponds were no significant differences (p> 0.05) in the early stage culture (0-40d); The shrimps in pond of 0.333 ha grew faster than that of 0.167 ha and 0.667 after 50d (p <0.05); The growth rate of shrimps in pond of 0.167ha and 0.333 ha were faster than that of 0.667 ha after 60d (p <0.05); The relation between body length and culture days showed a linearcor-relation(L =at+b),which the regress equations were L = 0.1024t + 0.1817(R2= 0.9891)、L = 0.1086t + 1243(R2 = 0.9916) and L = 0.0892t + 0.4929(R2 = 0.9762),respectively. The relation between body weight and culture days showed a power function relation (W =aLb), which the regress equations were W = 0.00005t2.7317 (R2 = 0.9832)、W = 0.00004t2.8171 (R2= 0.9834)and W = 0.00006t2.682 (R2= 0.9812), respectively. The survival rate, one-tailed shrimp weight and yield in ponds of 0.333ha were more 9.7% and survival rate of 28.5%; 11.6% and 13.9%; 22.5% and 46.3% than that of 0.1667ha ponds and 0.667ha ponds, respectively. The feed conversion ratio of shrimps in ponds (0.167 hm2、0.333 hm2、0.667 hm2) were 1.21, 1.28 and 1.18, respectively.
Key words: Litopenaeus Vannamei; higher-altitude culture ponds; growth characteristics; survival rate;feed conversion ratio.