黄 滨1,关长涛1,崔 勇1,李 娇1,姜泽明2,周 游3
(1 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,青岛市海水鱼类种子工程与生物技术重点实验室,山东 青岛 266071;
2 山东威海正明海洋科技有限公司,山东 威海 264300;中国海洋大学水产学院,山东 青岛 266003)
摘 要:为研究台风“米雷”造成近海网箱设施大面积毁坏的直接和主要原因,在第一时间对山东半岛荣成附近海域网箱养殖业户遭受台风“米雷”袭击进行紧急调查,从网箱设施的材料结构、锚泊系统等技术层面进行全面的分析,调查结果表明,传统小网箱锚泊系统自身锚缆绳索锚固偏紧,网箱无法随波跳浪而被闷入水中,是导致锚泊系统受力过大而崩溃的最主要原因。建议加强传统网箱防灾减灾科学问题的研究,努力攻克国产升降式网箱的某些技术瓶颈,来支撑传统网箱的升级换代,提升设施的防灾减灾能力,有效保护渔民生命财产安全。
The survey and technology resolving of influence on cage farming
in Shan Dong caused by Meari typhoon
HUANG Bin1, GUAN Chang-tao1, CUI Yong1, LI Jiao1, JIANG Ze-ming2, ZHOU You 3
( 1 Qingdao Key Laboratory for Marine Fish Breeding and Biotechnology,
Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Qindao 266071, China;
2 Zhengming Marine Technoiogy and Development Co Ltd, Weihai 264300, China;
3 Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, China )
Abstract: In order to find the major reason of the huge damage to the fish cage, the urgent survey for the typhoon attack to the farming fish cage in surrounding waters of Rongcheng was carried out at the first time. The material, structure and mooring line system of cage were analyzed overall. The analysis results show that the main reason of the damage for fish cage was the tension of mooring line system. Because the mooring line was too tight, the fish cage couldn’t move according with the wave and sunk. It is suggested that the problem of disaster prevention and mitigation for fish cage should be researched to resolve the technology bottleneck of domestic sinking cage and accelerate the upgrade of old cage. And the disaster prevention and mitigation capacity of facility should be improved to save life and money for fisherman.
Key words: fish cage; typhoon; damage; survey; technology resolving
作者简介:黄滨 (1962—),男,副研究员,研究方向:主要从事设施渔业研究。E-mail: huangbin@ysfri.ac.cn