朱建新1,赵 霞2,曲克明1,高淳仁1,李 贤2,刘 鹰3
(1中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,青岛266071;2中国海洋大学,青岛 266100;
摘 要:研究了大菱鲆幼鱼在封闭循环水系统中养殖密度对其摄食、生长、饲料利用率及免疫机能的影响。实验设计了4组不同处理,初始养殖密度分别为0.66 kg/m2、1.26 kg/m2、2.56 kg/m2、4.00 kg/m2 ,每个密度组设3个重复,为期100 d,实验结束时养殖密度分别为4.67 kg/m2、7.25 kg/m2、14.16 kg/m2、17.77 kg/m2。结果表明:养殖密度与大菱鲆生长速度呈负相关,各实验组的SGR值分别为2.67、2.33、2.29、1.98;随着养殖密度的增加,各实验组大菱鲆的体重差异度出现显著变化(p<0.01);养殖密度与大菱鲆的饵料系数呈正相关,实验组1的饵料系数为0.70;实验组4的饵料系数为0.76;养殖密度对大菱鲆的免疫指标AKP、ACP及肝脏的脏器系数的影响不大。本实验结果可为鱼类循环水工厂化养殖管理提供参考。
Effect of stocking density on growth and immunity in Scophthalmus maximus reared in recirulating system
ZHU Jianxin1, ZHAO Xia2 , QU keming2 , GAO Chun-ren1, LI xian1, LIU ying3
(1 Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100,China;2 Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Qingdao 266071 China;3 Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy Of Sciences 266071,China)
Abstract: Juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) were stocked and reared at four experiment densities for the study on the effect of stocking density on growth, feed coefficient and immunity. The initial densities were 0.66, 1.26, 2.56 and 4.00kg/m2, respectively. The experiment lasted for 75 days with final stocking densities reached 4.67, 7.25, 14.16, 17.77 kg/m2 respectively. It was found that, under the same experiment conditions, higher stocking densities have a negative effect on fish growth. The SGR (special growth rate) was for the four treatments were 2.67, 2.33, 2.29 and 1.98, respectively. The uniformity of weight distributing within experiment groups decreased with increased density. However, the stocking density had positive effect on feed coefficient rate. Treatment 1 had the 1east feed coefficient rate of 0.70 and the highest coefficient was 0.76, found in treatment 4, the treatment with the highest density. It was also found that the stocking density had insignificant impact on liver organ index. This experiment will provide reference for land-based recirculation systems for fish culture.
Key words:turbot(Scophthalmus maximus);recirculation system;stocking density;growth;feed coefficient;immunity
作者简介:朱建新(1966-)男,高级工程师,研究方向:海水鱼类苗种繁育及工程化养殖技术研究。E-mail: zhujx@ysfri.ac.cn