王丽梅,宋广军,何 平,许伟定, 木云雷,高 杉
(辽宁省海洋水产科学研究院,辽宁省海洋水产分子生物学重点实验室,辽宁 大连 116023)
摘要:为了完善鼠尾藻人工苗种培育及海上养殖技术,在大连旅顺海区及刺参池塘进行了鼠尾藻人工苗种保苗及养殖试验。试验结果表明,鼠尾藻人工苗种在室内培养20 d左右,株高2 mm以上,假根15根以上时,下海保苗为宜。鼠尾藻幼苗保苗、人工养殖方式为表层平养。保苗海区选择风浪不大的海湾。在刺参池塘保苗要求选择水深2 m以上的池塘,养殖位置在进水口附近。保苗3个月后海上鼠尾藻平均株高4.26 cm,刺参池塘鼠尾藻平均株高1.98 cm。将6 cm以上的幼苗夹直径1.5 cm的聚乙烯绳上进行海上养殖试验。养殖8~9个月后,鼠尾藻长至平均株高61 cm
Studies on the technology of intermediate cultivation and off-shore breeding of artificial Sargassum thunbergii seedlings
WANG Li-mei, SONG Guang-jun, HE Ping, XU Wei-ding*, MU Yun-lei, GAO Shan
(Liaoning Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Liaoning Key Laboratory of Marine Fishery Molecular Biology, Dalian 116023,China)
Abstract: In this investigation, we have conducted intermediate temporary cultivation and outdoor breeding testing of Sargassum thunbergii artificial seedlings in LVSHUN sea area and Stichopus japonicas pond. The results showed that the optimum time for off-shore cultivation of Sargassum thunbergii seedlings was about 20 days bred in indoor conditions by our researching for several years. The seedlings were 2 mm in length and with 15 rhizoids or more at that time. It was better for seedlings growth when the depth of seawater was surface and the ropes were parallel to the sea surface. The area for intermediate temporary cultivation was selected with certain sea current and smaller wave in a gulf. For Stichopus japonicas pond near the inlet, the depth was more than 2 m. After temporary culture over 3 months, the average body length of Sargassum thunbergii was about 4.26 cm in off-shore cultivation and 1.98cm in Stichopus japonicas pond cultivation in contrast. The seedlings with the length above 6 cm were clamped on the diameter of 1.5cm polyethylene ropes and then transferred into the open sea. The length of Sargassum thunbergii seedlings reached 61cm after 8~9 months cultivation.
Key words: Sargassum thunbergii; intermediate cultivation; breeding