郭益顿1, 顾向军1, 徐国昌2,3, 王小冬2,3
(1 喃嵘水产(上海)有限公司,上海 201701;2 农业部渔业装备与工程重点开放试验室,上海 200092;
3 十大网投正规信誉官网,上海 200092)
摘 要:为了达到水产养殖零排放,低污染,高品质,无残药等目的,研制了一套高位池塘循环水养鱼系统。该系统主要包括增氧设备、循环水水处理系统及集污设备等。完整的生产性养殖试验时间为2010年7月16日至11月4日。试验初始投入的梭鱼(Chelon haematocheilus)苗共14 000尾,规格为60~80尾/500 g。试验期间,在870 m2的高位池中,溶氧维持在3.5 mg/L以上,氨氮低于0.3 mg/L,亚硝酸盐低于0.4 mg/L,池塘水体的水质状况较好。该高位池共产出成品梭鱼5 035 kg,实现纯利润40 700 元。试验达到了高投入、高产出、零排放、无药残等预期目标,可为高位池塘循环水养殖系统建设提供参考。
Summary of productive experiment on recycling intensive pond aquaculture system with zero emission
GUO Yi-dun1, GU Xiang-jun1, XU Guo-chang2,3, WANG Xiao-dong2,3
( 1 Nanrong International Corporation (Shanghai), Shanghai 201701, China;
2 Key Laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture, Shanghai 200092, China;
3 Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fisheries Sciences, Shanghai 200092, China)
Abstract: In order to achieving the aim of zero emission, low pollution, high quality and no remaining medicine in aquaculture, an intensive aquaculture system of zero emission was developed through our own production of aquaculture machinery and operation experiences. The system included mainly the aeration machine, water treatment machine and dirt-gathering facility. And an integrated productive experiment was carried out during 16 July to 4 November, 2010. The initial input amount of snoek fry was 14000, with the size of about 60-80 fry/500 g. During the experiment with the intensive pond of 870 m2, the dissolved oxygen was above 3.5 mg/L, and the ammonium nitrogen was lower than 0.3 mg/L, and the nitrite nitrogen was lower than 0.4 mg/L, showing the water quality was relatively good. The total finished product of snoek from the pond was 5035 kg, and the pure profit was 40700 yuan RMB. The experiment achieved the expected aim of high investment, high yield, zero emission and no remaining medicine, which can provide reference for construction of recycling intensive pond aquaculture of zero emission.
Key words: intensive pond; zero emission; recycling water treatment system