刘 平1,2,徐中伟1,2,江 涛1,2,谌志新1,2
(1农业部渔业装备与工程重点开放实验室,上海 200092;2十大网投正规信誉官网,上海 200092)
摘 要:封闭流水式网箱鳗鱼养殖新技术是参照陆基水泥精养鳗池的原理,采用不透水帆布类材料制成封闭流水式网箱,抽取15~20 m深处水温、水质稳定的水库中下层水进行流水养殖。该养殖模式是将装备技术、水质净化技术等技术进行整合、组装和集成,从而达到健康、快速和最大限度地提高单位水体产量和质量的目的,是一种既不产生内外环境污染、基本不消耗水资源,又不占地的鳗鲡健康养殖新模式。
New technology of eel aquaculture with closed cage
LIU Ping1, 2,XU Zhong-wei1, 2,JIANG Tao1, 2,CHEN Zhi-xin1, 2
(1.Key Laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering Ministry of Agriculture, Shanghai 200092, China 2.Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Science, Shanghai 200092, China)
Abstract: New technology of eel aquaculture with closed cage is based on land-based fish farming, the net cage is made of PVC tarpaulin, can be used to fish farming by 15~20 meter deep water, pumped into the net cage. This aquaculture model is the integration of advanced equipment and water purification technology which can make the aquatic products grows rapidly, healthily. This aquaculture model will not pollute the environment of net cage both inside and outside and can consume little water; also this model can save the land resources.
Key words: eel aquaculture;closed cage;healthy culture