贺春花,黄翔鹄,李长玲,杜 暖,冯志杰
(广东海洋大学水产学院,湛江 524000)
摘要:颤藻(Oscillatoria sp.)是对虾养殖池塘中的常见蓝藻,其大量繁殖直接危害对虾养殖。实验旨在通过研究不同温度、光照度、盐度和pH对颤藻生长的影响,得出颤藻生长的限制条件。单因子实验结果显示:实验条件范围内,温度、光照度、盐度和pH对颤藻叶绿素a含量和干重影响显著(P<0.05),温度<10 ℃和>30 ℃、光照度<50 lx和>1 100 lx、盐度<15和>30、pH<5.2和>8.0是颤藻生长的限制条件;颤藻生长的阈值为温度10 ℃,光照度50 lx,盐度15.0,pH 5.2;正交实验结果显示,颤藻生长的最低条件为温度15 ℃、光照度600 lx、盐度17.5、pH 5.5,温度对颤藻叶绿素a含量和干重影响最大,其次是盐度和pH。对虾养殖池可以通过调节盐度来控制颤藻生长。
Limiting conditions of tempreture, illumination intensity, salinity and pH on growth of Oscillatoria sp.
HE Chun-hua, HUANG Xiang-hu, LI Chang-ling, DU Nuan, FENG Zhi-jie
( Fisheries College of Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524000, China )
Abstract: Oscillatoria sp. is a common species of cyanophytes in prawn pond, proliferation of them is harmful to breeding animals immediately. Effects of temperature, illumination intensity, salinity and pH on growth of Oscillatoria sp. were studied, for getting manageable environmental conditions to limiting the growth of Oscillatoria sp.. The results showed the effects on Chlorophyll-a contents or dry weight are conspicuous (P<0.05). Temperature less than 15 ℃ and above 30 ℃, illumination intensity less than 50 lx and above 1 100 lx, salinity less than15.0 and above 30.0, pH less than 5.2 and above 8 are limiting conditions; the temperature of it’s begining growth is10 ℃, illumination intensity 50 lx, salinity 15.0, pH 5.2. The lowest condition of growth to Oscillatoria sp. is 15 ℃, 600 lx, salinity 17.5, pH 5.5. In the four factors, temperature have the largest effect on Chlorophyll-a content and dry weight of Oscillatoria sp. Therefore, we can improve the environment of prawn pond through controlling the growth of Oscillatoria sp.and promoting healthy aquiculture.
Key words: Oscillatoria sp.; shrimp culture; Chlorophyll-a content
作者简介:贺春花(1987—),女,硕士,从事水域生态学研究。E-mail: 313593723@qq.com
通讯作者:黄翔鹄(1962—),男,教授,从事水域生态学研究。E-mail: hxh166@126.com