王振华,刘 晃
(农业部渔业装备与工程技术重点实验室,十大网投正规信誉官网,上海 200092)
摘要:为提供实际生产理论依据,改良系统水处理工艺,开展循环水养殖系统中吉富罗非鱼氮收支和对水质情况的初步研究。起始养殖密度8 kg/m3,投饲率2%,系统循环量1 m3/h,总水量0.8 m3。试验期间溶解氧大于6 mg/L,pH7.0~7.2,水温23~25℃。每周监测水质2~3次,监测指标包括氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮、硝酸盐氮,每2周检测1次水中总氮。用凯氏定氮法测定实验前后饲料、试验鱼体、粪便、悬浮颗粒的氮含量。结果显示,摄食氮有50.00±1.50%转化为生长氮,32.61±1.38%转化为排泄氮,17.39±4.0%转化为粪氮;58%的粪氮为悬浮颗粒物,42%为可沉淀颗粒物。
Nitrogen budget and water quality of tilapia in recirculating
aquaculture system
WANG Zhen-hua, LIU Huang
(Key Laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture,Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200092, China)
Abstract: A preliminary study was conducted about nitrogen budget of tilapia in a recirculating aquaculture system to provide theoretical date for industrial production and improve the process of water treatment. Initial stocking density was 8 kg/m3, the feeding rate was 2% of fish body weight, the circulation volume was 1m3/h and total water volume was 0.8m3. During the experiment, the dissolved oxygen was above 6 mg/L, the pH was 7.0~7.2, and water temperature was 23~25℃. Ammonia nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen was measured twice a week and total nitrogen was measured once a week. The nitrogen content of feed, fish, faeces and suspended particles was determined by Kjeldahl analyzer. Results showed that, the diet made 50.00±1.50% growth nitrogen proportion, 32.61±1.38% excretion nitrogen proportion and 17.39±4.0% fecal nitrogen proportion. Additionally, about 58% of the fecal nitrogen was in the form of suspended solids nitrogen eventually.
Key words: tilapia; nitrogen budget; water quality; recirculating aquaculture
通讯作者:刘 晃(1973—),男,副研究员,硕士,主要从事水产养殖工程研究。E-mail:liuhuang@fmiri.ac.cn