(1 浙江海洋学院水产学院,舟山 316000; 2 浙江省海洋与渔业局,杭州 310000;3 平阳县南麂岛开发有限公司,
温州 325400;4 中国海洋大学水产学院,青岛 266003;5 日本东京海洋大学,日本东京)
摘要:为了探索和开展一种新的生态型、健康型浅海养殖模式,在分析浅海养殖现状的基础上,根据浙江省平阳县南麂岛开发有限公司大黄鱼养殖基地的水文条件,结合实际生产需要,设计模型水槽试验,开发出适宜于水深5~10 m的养殖浮绳式围网设施。具有防逃、防网衣堆积、抗风浪等性能。应用不同方法在海上敷设,实现鱼类、贝类和藻类的混合生态养殖,产生了较好的经济效益和生态效益,适宜沿海推广应用。
Application and research on aquaculture
of a floating flexible seine in the offshore
YE Wei-fu1,WU Jia-xing2,MA Jia-zhi1,CAI Hou-cai3,HUANG Liu-yi4 ,Hu Fu-xiang5,SONG Wei-hua1
(1 College of Fisheries, Zhejiang Ocean University,Zhoushan 316000,China;2 Zhejiang Province Ocean and Fisheries Bureau,Hangzhou 310000,China;3 Nanji Island Development CO.,Ltd in Pingyang County,Wenzhou 325400,China;4 College of Fisheries, Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266003,China;5 Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology,Tokyo 108-8477,Japan)
Abstract: Based on the present situation of aquaculture in offshore, in order to explore and develop a new ecotypic and harmless aquaculture model, a new of the floating flexible seine facility suitable for enclosure aquaculture were exploited. In the paper, the model tests for the practical production had been carried out in the wave tank according to the hydrological conditions of Pesudosciaena crocea aquaculture farm of Nanji Island Development Limited Company in Pingyang County, Zhejiang Province. This kind of facility can prevent fish escaping, netting accumulating and has the anti-wave ability, and can also be moored in the depth of 5~10 meters under water. It also can be moored in different ways, achieve the mixed ecological cultivation of fish, shellfish and algae. This floating flexible seine in shallow sea brings good economic benefits and ecological benefits, and can be extensively applied in the offshore.
Key words: seine aquaculture facility; mooring technique; ecological cultivation