冯 雪1,3,秦传新1,唐振朝1,余 景1,舒黎明1
(1 中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所,广州 510300;
2 农业部南海渔业资源环境科学观测实验站,广州 510300;
3 上海海洋大学海洋科学学院,上海 201306)
摘要:为了解音响驯化技术对南海北部真鲷(Chrysophrys major)幼鱼的驯化效果,在实验室条件下采用200 Hz方波连续音对体长4.4~6.6 cm的真鲷幼鱼进行连续8 d音响驯化,结果表明:对照组(无音响驯化组)真鲷幼鱼试验期间在水池中随机分布,试验组(音响驯化组)真鲷幼鱼在驯化期间出现次数最大的区域逐渐向声源靠近。驯化期间试验组真鲷幼鱼的反应时间逐渐缩短,驯化第4天后反应时间无明显变化,驯化全过程反应时间均快于对照组;驯化期间聚集时间逐渐缩短,驯化第4天后聚集时间无明显变化,从第3天起快于对照组;停留时间从第3天增加明显并远高于对照组;聚集率呈逐渐增加趋势,第4天后聚集率无明显变化,整个驯化过程,试验组聚集率均高于对照组。由此可见,200 Hz方波连续音对南海北部真鲷幼鱼具有明显的驯化效果,且在驯化4 d后真鲷幼鱼即可建立明显的条件反射。
Research on the behavior of juvenile Chrysophrys major acoustic tamed through rectangular continuant at 200 Hz in NorthernSouth China Sea
YUAN Hua-rong1,2, CHEN Pi-mao1 , JIA Xiao-ping1, ZHOU Yan-bo1, FENG Xue1,2, QIN Chuan-xin1,
TANG Zhen-zhao1, YU Jing1, SHU Li-ming1
(1.South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Science; South China Sea Fishery Resources and Environment observation station, Ministry of Agriculture, Guangzhou 510300, China; 2. College of marine science, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China)
Abstract: In order to achieve the attractive effect of acoustic on Chrysophrysmajor which is one of the important multiplication species of marine ranching in Northern South China Sea. The behavior of juvenile Chrysophrys major in Northern South China Sea which body length was 4.4-6.6 cm acoustic tamed continuously for 8 days by rectangular continuant at 200 Hz under laboratory conditions. At the same time, a control experiment (without acoustic tame) was set up. The results showed that fish in control group distributed randomly. The attractive areaof trial group (acoustic tame) became smaller from 1st to 8th day. The response times and aggregation times of juvenile Chrysophrys major were decreasing gradually and keeping in low values from 4th day. The response times of trial group were shorter than control group during the whole taming process. The aggregation times of trial group began to be shorter than the values of control group from 3rd day. The residence times were increased rapidly from 3rd day and higher than the values of control group during the whole process. The aggregation ratios were increasing gradually; there weren’t extremely significant changes from 4th day. The aggregation ratios of trial group were higher than the values of control group. It illustrated that rectangular continuant at 200 Hz has a distinct attractive effect on juvenile Chrysophrys major in Northern South China Sea, and the conditional reflex was established after 4 days of acoustic tame.
Key words: juvenile Chrysophrys major; rectangular continuant; acoustic tame; attractive effect; Northern South China Sea
通讯作者:陈丕茂(1970—),男,研究员,主要从事海洋牧场工程与渔场环境,人工鱼礁,渔业资源增殖与生态安全及渔业资源生态的研究。E-mail: cpmgd@yahoo.com.cn