黄翔鹄1,2,刘 梅2,周美华1,古滨河3
(1 东华大学环境科学与工程学院,上海,201620;2广东海洋大学水产学院,广东 湛江,524025;
3 美国佛罗里达大学土壤和水科学系,美国 佛罗里达州 32611)
摘要:利用稳定同位素示踪剂,通过正交实验,研究了温度、光照度、盐度、pH、藻浓度对波吉卵囊藻(Oocystis borgei)亚硝酸盐氮吸收速率的影响。结果表明:温度、光照度、pH和藻浓度对波吉卵囊藻亚硝酸盐氮吸收率影响显著(P<0.05)。当温度25 ℃、光照度4 500 lx、pH7.5、藻浓度4.5×105个/mL时,波吉卵囊藻对亚硝酸盐氮吸收速率分别为0.106 μg N/(g•h)、0.118 μg N/(g•h)、0.129 μg N/(g•h)和0.129 μg N/(g•h),显著高于其他组。单因素方差分析显示,此为波吉卵囊藻吸收亚硝酸盐氮的最优组合。通过对藻浓度的调控,可以提高波吉卵囊藻对水体中亚硝酸盐氮的吸收速率,改善虾池养殖环境,促进健康养殖。
Effects of water environmental factors on the uptake rate
of nitrite nitrogen by Oocystis borgei
HUANG Xiang-hu 1,2, LIU Mei2, ZHOU Mei-hua1, GU Bin-he 3
(1.School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620,China).
(2. Fisheries College, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524025, China)
(3. Department of Soil and Water, University of Florida,, Gainesville, Florida 32611, USA )
Abstract: The effects of temperature, light intensity, salinity, pH and algal concentration on uptake rate of nitrite nitrogen by Oocystis borgei were studied through adding stable isotope tracer in the simulated condition. The result showed that temperature, light intensity, pH and algal concentration had a significant influence on the uptake rate of nitrite nitrogen by Oocystis borgei (P<0.05). The uptake rates reached maximum when temperature was 25 ℃, light intensity was 4 500 lx, salinity was 30, pH was 7.5, or algal concentration was 4.5×105 cell/mL; their values were 0.106 μg N/(g•h), 0.118 μg N/(g•h), 0.125 μg N/(g•h), 0.129 μg N/(g•h), and 0.129 μg N/(g•h), respectively. An oneway analysis of variance revealed that the factor combination for optimal uptake rate was 25 ℃ for temperature, 4 500 lx for light intensity, 30 for salinity, 7.5 for pH, and 4.5×105 cell/mL for algal concentration. Therefore, we can improve the uptake rate of nitrite nitrogen by Oocystis borgei through controlling the environment factors to promote water quality of shrimp culture.
Key words: Oocystis borgei; nitrite nitrogen; stable isotope; uptake rate; water environmental factors