刘世晶,陈 军,刘兴国,管崇武
(农业部渔业装备与工程重点开放实验室,十大网投正规信誉官网,上海 200092)
摘 要:分析了小球藻叶绿素a的荧光激发特性,利用图像处理技术,提出了基于藻类荧光激发效应的小球藻自动计数方法。利用450 nm荧光作为激发光源,得到波长为660~690 nm的小球藻荧光显微图像;利用红色滤光片去除其它入射光的影响,使图像中只包含小球藻荧光特性。调节光源强度,增加目标与背景之间的对比度;通过灰度变换,得到256级灰度图像,分析图像灰度特征,确定最佳图像分割阈值。实验证明此方法能够很好的区分藻类和杂质,计算速度快,为藻类自动计数提供了一种新的方法。
Study on Chlorella automatic counting based on the algae fluorescence excitation effect
LIU Shi-jing 1,2, CHEN Jun 1,2, LIU Xing-guo 1,2, GUAN Chong-wu 1,2
(1 Key laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture;
2 Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200092)
Abstract:In Algae experiment,algae counts mostly rely on artificial, it is difficult to get fast and accurate when there is a large number of experimental samples. Using of image processing technology,a chlorella automatically count method is proposed based on algae fluorescence excitation effect, after analyzed the fluorescence excitation characteristics of chlorophyll of Chlorella. The use of the 450nm fluorescence as the excitation source, a wavelength of 660nm ~ 690nm chlorella fluorescence microscopic image can be obtained. Removed the other incident light by red filter, the image only contains chlorella fluorescence characteristics. Adjust the intensity of the light source, to increase the contrast between the object and the background. Using histogram judgment method to judge the 256 grayscale image got by gray-scale transformation, to determine the optimal image segmentation threshold. Experimental results show that this method can distinguish between algae and impurities good, have fast calculation speed, and provides a new method for the automatic counting of the algae.
Key words: Chlorella; fluorescence excitation effect; machine vision; automatic counting