(1 厦门海洋职业技术学院,厦门 316012;2 集美大学水产学院,厦门 361021;
3 福建省水产技术推广总站,福州 350003;4 福建省漳浦县建国鲍鱼养殖场,漳浦 363200)
摘要:节能型石斑鱼循环水养殖系统由鱼池、泡沫分离器、净化水槽和循环水泵等组成,循环水净化设施架设于鱼池一侧的上层空间,每个鱼池对应一套水循环净化设施。在8个月的老虎斑(Epinephelus fuscoguttatus)试验养殖期间,系统利用生物膜降解和植物吸收的综合生态净化作用,实现水循环利用率88%,石斑鱼养成密度19.74 kg/m3,日增重与增重倍数分别为1.14 g/(尾•日)和11.55倍。系统的单位水体与单位产量的净化设施投入费用分别为507.3元/m³和27.92元/kg,单位产量的电耗与能耗分别为3.813kW•h/kg和6.05元/kg。结果显示,系统具有投资省、运行节能等特点。
Construction and production property analysis of a energy saving water recycling system for Epinephelus fuscoguttatus culture
LI Lin-chun1, CHEN Fang-ping1, YAN Xi-zhu2,
SONG Wu-lin3, WANG Qi-xin3, CHEN Jian-guo4, LI Lin-bao4
( 1 Xiamen Ocean Vocational College, Xiamen 316012, China;
2 Fishery College of Jimei University, Xiamen 361021, China;
3 The General Station of Fishery Technique Promotion of Fujian Province, Fuzhou 350003, China;
4 The Jianguo Abalone Culture Farm of Zhangpu County, Zhangpu Fujian Province, 363200, China )
Abstract: The energy saving water recycling system for Epinephelus fuscoguttatus culture consisted of fish pond, protein separator, purifying trough and water recycling pump. The water recycling and purifying facility was built above one side of the fish pond, and each pond had one water recycling and purifying facility correspondingly. During the experiment in eight months, by the comprehensive eco-purification of bio-film degradation and plant absorption, water recycling rate was 88%, the fish yield density was 19.74 kg/m3. The daily weight gain of the fish was 1.14 g/(ind•d), and the fish weight gained 11.55 fold. The cost of the purifying facility for per unit water volume and the per unit yield were 507.3 yuan/m3 and 27.92 yuan/kg respectively. The electric energy consumption of per unit production was 3.813 kW•h/kg, 6.05 yuan/kg. The results showed that the system has a good production property with low cost and energy saving.
Key words: Epinephelus fuscoguttatus; water recycling system; energy saving; production property
作者简介:李林春(1964一),男,副教授,硕士,研究方向:水产生物技术与水产工程技术。E-mail: lilinchun@sohu.com
通讯作者:陈方平(1962一),男,高级工程师,研究方向:渔业资源和渔业生态。E-mail: fzcfp@163.com