俞国燕,魏 武,王筱珍,何 真,鄢奉林
(广东海洋大学工程学院,广东 湛江 524088)
摘要:养殖池是循环水养殖中的关键设施,养殖池内水体的流态则是研究养殖池两相流的基础,并直接决定了养殖池的性能优劣。借助计算流体动力学软件包Fluent, 采用标准 模型和RNG 模型分别对Cornell-type双通道养殖池进行数值模拟,得到养殖池内水体流场的速度分布。模拟结果表明,水体回转速度大小与养殖池中心的径向距离呈线性增长关系,池中心处速度最小,越远离池中心回转速度越大,靠近池壁处速度达到最大;同时通过实验数据对模拟结果进行了验证,对比结果分析表明,RNG 模型比标准 模型模拟效果相对较好,模拟结果也基本符合Cornell-type双通道养殖池的运行规律,这为养殖池的优化设计及结构改进提供了新的研究方法和手段。
关键词:养殖池;数值模拟;CFD; 模型;RNG 模型
Numerical simulation and verification on flow-field distribution in ‘Cornell-type’ dual-drain culture tank
YU Guo-yan, WEI Wu, WANG Xiao-zhen, HE Zhen, YAN Feng-ling
(Engineering College of Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524088, China)
Abstract: Culture tank is the critical equipment in the Recirculating aquaculture system, RAS), and as the basis for further research on two-phase flow, flow-field distribution in culture tank determines performance of culture tank. With the help of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software, the flow-field distribution in the culture tank was simulated and verified by using the standard model and RNG model,and get the velocity distribution of the flow field in culture tank .The results show that these velocities increased nearly linearly with radial distance from the tank center. Finally, by analyzed the simulation results and experimental datum, found that RNG model is better than the standard model on simulation results, and the simulation results are basically in agreement with the tank 's operation law, numerical simulation has provided a new research method and mean to optimal structure designing and improvement.
Key words: culture tank; numerical simulation; Computational Fluid Dynamics; model; RNG model
作者简介:魏武(1987—), 男,硕士研究生,研究方向:设施渔业与数字化设计。E-mail: 553449052@qq.com
通讯作者:俞国燕(1970—), 女,教授,主要研究方向:设施渔业与智能设计。E-mail: yuguoyan0218@163.com