(安徽省农业科学院水产研究所,安徽 合肥 230031)
摘要:为探究涌浪机增氧效果,进行了不同天气下(晴天、夜间、阴雨天)涌浪机(0.75 kW)与叶轮式增氧机(3.0 kW)对精养塘溶氧与水质调控对比试验。测试显示:晴天,相对于起始时溶氧,涌浪机塘上下水层最大升幅分别为6.4 mg/L、7.1 mg/L,较叶轮式增氧机塘(5.9 mg/L、6.5 mg/L)和对照塘(5.3 mg/L、4.0 mg/L)高,涌浪机增氧能力较佳;夜间,涌浪机塘上下层溶氧在3.0 mg/L、1.6 mg/L左右,低于叶轮式增氧机(3.8 mg/L、2.6 mg/L),增氧效果欠佳;阴雨天,3个塘口上层溶氧最大升幅分别为:涌浪机1.7 mg/L,叶轮式增氧机2.6 mg/L,对照塘1.0 mg/L,涌浪机增氧次于叶轮式增氧机。pH值分析表明,长期使用涌浪机,pH值更接近于鱼类最适范围(7~8.5),可改善水质。因此,涌浪机应与其他增氧机械配合使用,将会取得更好的增氧效果。
Study on the oxygenation effect of wave aerator on Erythroculter ilishaeformis culture
WU Ming-lin, LI Hai-yang, HOU Guan-jun, CHENG Yun-sheng, JIANG Yang-yang
(Fisheries Research Institute, Anhui Academy of Agricultural Science, 40 Nongke Nan Road, Hefei 230031, Anhui, China)
Abstract: In order to find a more efficient aeration way for guiding the production practice, the effects of different aeration methods using one 0.75 kW wave aerator and one 3.0 kW impeller aerator under different weather conditions were compared (fine weather、night、rainy days).The results showed that under fine weather conditions, relative to the starting dissolved oxygen concentration at 8:30am, the upper and lower water layers increased 6.4 mg/L and 7.1 mg/L which were higher than the control pond (5.3 mg/L and 4.0 mg/L ) and impeller aerator pond(5.9 mg/L, 6.5 mg/L). This showed that the aeration effect of the wave aerator was better than the impeller aerator. However, at night, the wave aerator maintained the concentration at 3.0 mg/L and 1.6 mg/L which were below the impeller aerator pond (3.8 mg/L、2.6 mg/L). The result suggested that the aeration effect in the wave aerator pond was bad. In the rainy days, the dissolved oxygen concentration increased in three ponds. The largest increase of the upper dissolved oxygen concentrations respectively were: the wave aerator 1.7mg/L、the impeller aerator pond 2.6 mg/L、control pond 1.0 mg/L. The aeration effect of the wave aerator was poorer than the impeller aerator. The pH value of water quality analysis indicated that the long-term use the wave aerator, the pH value of which is closer to the range of the fish optimum pH, with the role of improving water quality. Summary, if the wave aerators are used with other oxygen mechanical equipment and it would achieve better aerobic effect and economic benefits.
Key words: dissolve oxygen (DO); aeration; wave aerator; impeller aerator; Erythroculter ilishaeformis