黄 滨1,关长涛1,梁 友1,翟介明2,张丽丽3,周 游4,马 腾4
(1 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,山东 青岛 266071;2 山东莱州明波水产有限公司,山东 烟台264000;
3 江苏连云港众利水产养殖有限公司,江苏 连云港222113;4 中国海洋大学水产学院,山东 青岛 266003)
摘要:为了有效突破我国北方海域冬季网箱养殖品种少和产业发展缓慢的局面,通过陆海接力养殖模式,开展了云纹石斑鱼的网箱陆海接力养殖试验。结果显示:在莱州明波网箱基地选用的平均个体重量225g的大规格云纹石斑鱼鱼苗,经过2个月的网箱接力养殖,个体平均重量达到350 g,平均单尾月增重62.5g,成活率92.02%;在连云港众利网箱基地选用的个体平均重量152 g大规格云纹石斑鱼,经过4个月的网箱接力养殖,个体平均重量增加到425g,平均单尾月增重68.25g,养殖成活率达96.00%。石斑鱼的网箱养殖与工厂化循环水养殖相比,平均月增重速度提高54.6%~68.9%。
The land-sea relay efficient breeding experiment for epinephelus moara
in the northern sea area
HUANG Bin1,GUANG Changtao1,LANG you1, ZHAI Jieming2 ,ZHANG Lili3 ,ZHOU you4 ,MA Teng4
( 1 key laboratory for sustainable utilization of marine fisheries resources,ministry of agriculture,
yellow sea fisheries research institute, chinese academy of fishery sciences, qingdao 266071, china;
2 laizhou mingbo aquatic co., ltd, yantai 264000, china;
3 jiangshu lianyungan ingdao aquatic co., ltd, 222000, china;
4 fishery college, ocean university of china, qingdao 266003, china)
Abstract: in order to effectively break through the waters of the north china winter aquaculture species less in cage culture and the slow development of industry, by land and sea relay farming model to carry out the epinephelus moara cages land and sea relay breeding test. results show that: selecting average individual weight of 225g large-sized the epinephelus moara in the Laizhou Mingbo cage base, the cage relay breeding after two months, the average individual weight of 350 g, the average one-tailed monthly weight gain 62.5 g, the survival rate of 92.02%; selecting average individual weight of 152 g large-sized the epinephelus moara in Lianyungang Zhongli cage base. Relay breeding after four months, the individual average weight increased to 425 g, the average one-tailed monthly weight gain 68.25 g, the survival rate of 96.00%, the grouper cage culture compared with industrialized recirculating aquaculture, an average monthly rate of weight gain increased by 54.6% to 68.9%.
Key words: land-sea relay aquaculture; epinephelus moara; offshore cages