(农业部渔业装备与工程技术重点实验室,十大网投正规信誉官网,上海 200092)
摘要:为控制池塘养殖沉积污染,提高底质营养盐利用率和养殖水体的初级生产力水平,针对淡水养殖池塘特点,研制了太阳能池塘底质改良机,并对其运行效果进行了研究。该机由太阳能动力装置、底泥提升装置、水面行走装置和控制设备组成,利用太阳能作为动力能源,通过光控和遥控,将池塘底泥提升到上层水面。该机的工作光照强度>13 000 Lux,空载噪音<78 dB,底泥提升装置的前进速度为0.25 m/s,水面行走装置移动速度为0.002 m/s,底泥和水体提升量>120 m3/h,适用工作水深为1~2 m,无线遥控距离25 m,工作半径5~20 m。在池塘养殖密度0.2~0.82 kg/m3的情况下,运行54 h后,NH3-N增加200%,NO2—-N增加957%,COD增加28.1%,TN增加30%,TSS增加12.1%,TP和活性磷呈先升后降特征,底泥中的TN、速效磷随着运行时间呈现对数下降的趋势。试验结果表明,该机能有效促进底泥中营养盐的释放。
Research on the operation effect of the solar energy apparatus
for improving pond sediment
TIAN Changfeng, WU Zongfan, ZHU Hao, WANG Xiaodong, LIU Xingguo
(Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200092, China )
Abstract: According to the characteristics of the traditional freshwater ponds in aquaculture, a solar apparatus was designed to improve the pond water, to solve the problems of aquatic pollution caused by sediment deposition, also to increase nutrients utilization and primary productivity. The apparatus, comprising power plant, lifting device for sediment, traveling mechanism and control system, can elevate the sediment to upper water using solar, with function of light-control and remote-control. The intensity of illumination is greater than 13 000 Lux. The empty noise is less than 78 dB. The speed of elevating sediment is 0.25 m/s, and the speed of horizontal movement is 0.002 m/s. The total lifting capacity of sediment and water is more than 120 m3/h. The apparatus has a widespread application, with the 1~2 m in the range of water depth, 25 m for remote control distance, 5~20 m for Working range. At the fish density of ( 0.20~0.82) kg/m3 ,after 54 h of operation, the test data show that the growth rate of NH3-N, NO2—-N, COD, TN, TSS were respectively 200%, 957%,28.1%,30%,12.1%, TP and reactive phosphorous gradually increased with the running time, but in the late TP and reactive phosphorus decreased; TN and available phosphorus in the sediment first increased then decreased with the prolongation of the running time, the overall log reduction trend. The result showed that the apparatus had good function for nutrient release.
Key words: apparatus for improving pond sediment; solar energy; sediment; pond culture