任 华,蓝泽桥,王一明,孙宏懋,兰大华,李义勇
(湖北天峡鲟业有限公司 湖北 宜都 443300)
摘要:研究了达氏鳇(Huso dauricus)(♀)与欧洲鳇(Huso huso)(♂)杂交仔鱼在循环水养殖系统中,不同放养密度对其生长和存活的影响。试验设计了4组不同处理,设置放养密度分别为0.3万尾/m3、0.7万尾/m3、1.0万尾/m3/ L、1.3万尾/m3,每个密度组设置3个重复,为期30 d。结果表明:杂交鲟仔鱼生长速度受放养密度影响较大,放养密度在0.3~0.7万尾/m3,杂交鲟仔鱼的最终体重、特定生长率、日增重都随着放养密度的增大而升高,当养殖放养达到0.7万尾/m3时,进一步增加放养密度,仔鱼的生长反而下降,高密度组(1.0~1.3万尾/m3)杂交鲟仔鱼个体生长速度离散度明显加大,仔鱼的成活率随放养密度增加而下降。综合认为,在循环水养殖条件下,0.7万尾/m3放养密度组杂交鲟生长效果较具优势。
The effect of different farming densities to the feeding behavior, growth and survival of sturgeon juveenile
REN Hua, LAN Zeqiao,WANG Yiming,SUN Hongmao, LAN Dahua ,LI Yiyong
(Hubei Tianxia Sturgeon Co., LTD. Yidu Hubei 443300)
Abstract: Researching on the influence of breeding density on feeding, growth and survival rate of Huso dauricus (♀) and Huso huso (♂) hybird fry in recirculating aquaculture system The test has designed four different groups, the breeding density were 3 000 ind/m3, 7 000 ind/m3, 10 000 ind/m3, 13 000 ind/m3, each density group set up three repeat period for 20 days, and the results showed that the hybrid fry’s growth rate influenced by the breeding density is bigger, the breeding density is between 3 000 ind/m3 to 7 000 ind/m3, the final weight of hybrid fry, specific growth rate, daily weight gain is growing along with the increase of the breeding density increase, when the breeding density up to 7 000 ind/m3, the weight growth will drop when increase the breeding density furthermore, hybrid fry growth discrete degree of high density group (10 000-13 000 ind/ m3) increase obviously, the survival rate decreased with the increase of breeding density. Comprehensive think in recirculating aquaculture conditions, the growth of hybrid sturgeon in the breeding density of 7 000 ind /m3 has more advantages.
Keywords: hybrid sturgeon; recirculating aquaculture system; breeding density; specific growth rate; survival rate
作者简介:任华(1978—),男,工程师,主要从事鲟鱼人工繁殖、工厂化养殖技术研究。E mail: 412585208@qq.com
通讯作者:蓝泽桥(1951—),男,高级工程师,主要从事鲟鱼工厂化养殖与工程设计研究。E mail: txyy99@.vip.com