(1 合肥市畜牧水产技术推广中心,安徽 合肥 231000; 2 安徽省渔业环境监测中心,安徽 合肥 231000;
3 安徽蓝田特种龟鳖有限公司,安徽 芜湖 238321:4 合肥工业大学生物与食品工程学院,安徽 合肥230009)
Study on the effects of combined biological-ecological treatment process
on the turtles breeding wastewater
LAI Nianyue 1,WEI Zeneng 2,SUN Dexiang 2,XIANG Xudong 3,LU Jianfeng 4
(1 Animal husbandry and Fisheries Technology Promotion Center of Hefei, Hefei 231000, China;
2 Anhui province fishery ecological environment monitoring center, Hefei 231000, China;
3 Anhui Lantian special turtle aquaculture Co., LTD, Wuhu 238300, China;
4 College of Biotechnology and Food Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China)
Abstract: Both the ammonia concentration and CODcr in the greenhouse turtle aquaculture wastewater are very high. If the wastewater is directly drained into the receiving water body around the aquaculture site, it will cause serious pollution. To make the greenhouse turtle aquaculture wastewater reach the emission standards and recycle the wastewater, a biological-ecological process, combined with the ecological ditch-wetland-purifying pond, was adopted to treat the greenhouse turtle aquaculture wastewater. The results showed that the removal rates of CODcr, SS, NH4+-N and TP were 90.9%, 91.3%, 94.2% and 94.5%, respectively. Therefore, the combined system could be used as an efficient biological-ecological wastewater treatment system especially for a small-scale greenhouse turtles breeding.
Key words: combined biological-ecological process; turtles breeding; wastewater treatment
通讯作者:陆剑锋(1976—),男,教授,研究方向:水生动物资源的保护和综合利用 。E-mail:lujf@sibs.ac.cn