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作者:管理员    来源:十大网投正规信誉官网    发布日期:2014-03-20 00:00    字体大小:【大】【中】【小】


1上海海洋大学信息学院;2国家远洋渔业工程技术研究中心;3上海海洋大学图书馆,上海 201306
摘要:溶氧(DO)和酸碱度(pH)是水质监测的重要指标,本文设计了一种搭载DOpH的水质检测传感器的仿生机器鱼,通过机器鱼的巡游对水质进行动态、实时、连续监测,起到对水质参数和生态环境高效、智能、可控地智能检测。仿生机器鱼外形模仿鲹科鱼类,因其鱼身具有较大的身部,适于安放机器鱼的动力装置和传感器。为提高检测效率和增加推进动力,尾部采用新月型尾鳍方式,电路控制采用TI公司CC2530 为内核的主控器,主要水质参数对采样数据通过ZigBee进行无线通信传输,并用C 语言编写控制系统,在GIS地图上,使用实时可视化显示其巡游轨迹和相关的水质参数及分析图。本研究将为水质监测技术及机器鱼的设计研制提供参考。
Design of a robot fish for water quality monitoring based on dissolved oxygen(DO) and pH
YANG Wei1 , KONG Xianghong1, 2, QIAN Weiguo2, LU Kexiang2, ZHANG Zhongshuai2, SHAO Zhengyi3, CHEN Xinjun2
(1 College of Information Technology  Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306,China;
2 National Engineering Research Center for Oceanic Fisheries, Shanghai 201306,China;
3 Library of Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China)
Abstract: The dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH are important indicators for water mornitoring and measurement. A biomimetic robotic fish with onboard sensors for monitoring dissolved oxygen and pH was designed. The water quality can be mornitored and measured in dynamic, real-time and consecutive way through the cruise of the robotic fish, which can provide effective, intelligent, and controllable monitoring services for water parameters and ecological environment. The shape of robotic fish imitated the Carangidae fish, because of the bigger body part, which is suitable for installing the dynamic devices and sensors. In order to improve the effectiveness and propulsive mechanism, the robotic fish propels itself using the lunate caudal fin. Control circuit uses CC2530 produced by TI Company as the master controller. The data of main target parameters of water quality (dissolved oxygenpH) are transmitted wirelessly using ZigBee. The control system is written in C propramming language. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is used to visualize robotic fish moving trajectory, related water quality parameters and analysis diagram. The study can provide the reference for water quality monitoring and measuring technologies and its robotic fish design and manufacture.
Key words: dissolved oxygen (DO); pH; water quality monitoring; robot fish




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