(1广东海洋大学实验教学部, 广东 湛江 524088;2广东海洋大学水产学院, 广东 湛江524088)
摘要:结合室内与室外培养,设置雷州马尾藻(Sargassum leizhouense)雌雄种藻质量比分别为2:1,4:1,5:1和6:1,幼孢子体密度分别为1,2,5,10,15,20和30株/mL,研究了不同雌雄种藻质量比对采苗量及其存活率的影响以及不同密度培养幼孢子体的相对生长率及存活率。结果显示:雷州马尾藻雌雄种藻质量比为4:1时,单位质量雌体的产苗量最大,达6 604.3株/g,单位面积苗帘的附苗量最大,达63.5株/cm2。经过40 d培育,苗帘上幼孢子体存活率以雌雄种藻质量比为5:1组最高,达56.2%,而4:1组最低,仅20.9%。在试验范围内,培养密度对幼孢子体生长的影响不显著(P>0.05),而显著影响其存活率(P<0.05)。室内培养21d后,30株/cm2组幼孢子体存活率最低,为87.5%,与其它密度组有显著差异(P<0.05)。因此,雷州马尾藻人工采苗适宜的雌雄种藻质量比为5:1,有利于其幼孢子体生长、成活的适宜密度为<30株/cm2。
Effects of the mass of parental fronds and the germling density on the amount of seedlings collected and growth of young sporophytes of Sargassum leizhouense
SUN Huiqiang1, JI Caijiu2, ZHAO Sufen2, LI Qianru2, HE Hongyan2, HE Shan2,
HUANG Sujian2, LIANG Hanlei2
(1 Education Example Center, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524088, China;
2 Fisheries College, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524088, China)
Abstract: Combining indoor and outdoor culture, four groups of the mass ratio of parental female to male fronds (2:1, 4:1, 5:1, 6:1) and seven groups of juvenile sporophytes density (1,2, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30/mL) of Sargassum leizhouense were set up, to study the effect of different mass ratio of parental female to male fronds of S. leizhouense on seedling amount adhering to seedling curtains and their survival rate. And the relative growth rate and survival rate of cultured juvenile sporophytes at different cultural density were measured. The results showed that 6 604.3 individuals, the most amount of seedlings per mass of female frond, and 63.5 seedlings of per milliliter on seedling curtain were obtained at mass ratio of 4:1(♀:♂). However, after 40-day outside culture, the highest seedling survival rate was 56.2 percent at mass ratio of 5:1(♀:♂), while it was lowest (only 20.9 percent) at mass ratio of 4:1(♀:♂). There was no significant difference for effect of cultural density on the growth of juvenile sporophytes(P>0.05), but on the growth rate(P<0.05). The lowest survival rate (87.5%) seedling was obtained at density of 30/cm2 after 21-day indoor culture. There was significant difference from other density groups(P<0.05). In conclusion, the optimum mass ratio of parental female to male fronds for artificial collection of S. leizhouense seedlings is 5:1, and the suitable culture density for growth and survival of juvenile S. leizhouense seedlings is less than 30/cm2
Key Words: Sargassum leizhouense; density; seedling collection amount; juvenile sporophtytes; growth