陈 功1,王平波2,庞 韬1,于海平1,杜玉华1,李耀波3
(1 常州工学院,江苏 常州 213022;
2 海军工程大学,湖北 武汉 430033;
3 中国人民解放军92956 部队,辽宁 大连 116041)
Introduction to survey of marine organisms based on passive acoustics technology
CHEN Gong1, WANG Pingbo2, PANG Tao1, YU Haiping1, DU Yuhua1, LI Yaobo3
(1 Changzhou Institute of Technology,Changzhou 213022, China; Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan 430033, China; 3 Unit No. 92956,Dalian 116041, China)
Abstract:This paper summarizes the importance of survey of marine organisms based on passive acoustics technology, introduces the research background, current situation, issues and tendency of marine fish survey based on the the technology, lists the common passive acoustics measurement equipments and digital signal processing methods, including data acquisition, preprocessing, endpoint detection, feature extraction and recognition technology, and analyses the potential application of above measurement technology on study of marine fish habitats, living habits and influence of human activities on the fish population. However, a lack of familiarity with the biology and passive acoustics knowledge has hampered the development of this technology. Through listing the sonic studies of Cynoscion nebulosus and Gadus morhua. the top priorities of passive acoustics technology study in the future are put forward, such as establishing the various passive fish feature library, analyzing the passive acoustic radiation mechanism of fish, dolphins and other marine organisms, studying on the typical acoustic feature parameters and relationship between fish sound and the special behaviors.
Key words: survey of marine organism; passive acoustics; digital signal processing; tendency