曾 佳1,桂福坤2
(1 宁波职业技术学院电子信息工程系,浙江 宁波 315800;
2 浙江海洋学院,国家海洋设施养殖工程技术研究中心,浙江 舟山 316000)
摘要:为使养殖户在岸上就能对海水网箱的投饵进行实时控制、修改投饵设置和查询网箱有关信息,尤其是当投饵发生异常时,能即时收到告警信息,以保证正常自动投饵,设计了一种基于GSM Modem的海水网箱远程投饵测控系统。海上投饵装置由桨叶式投饵器为核心的机械和测控两部分组成。测控部分硬件以STC5410AD单片机为核心,由通信、信息采集、实时时钟和输出驱动等模块组成,文中着重介绍了系统的软硬件设计。运行结果证明,设计完全达到了预定要求,工作稳定可靠,操作简便。
关键词:GSM Modem;海水网箱;投饵装置;远程测控系统
Design of remote monitoring system for marine cage feeding device
ZENG Jia1,GUI Fukun2
( 1 Department of Electronic Information Engineering,Ningbo Polytechnic, Ningbo Zhejiang 315800,China;
2. National Research Center for Marine Aquaculture, Zhejiang Ocean University, Zhoushan, 316000, China)
Abstract: The study of automatic feeding technology for marine cage plays an important significance on transforming the outdated and extensive manual feeding strategy. A remote monitoring system for marine cage feeding device based on GSM Modem is designed in this paper, in order to provide farmers convenience on the real-time control on feeding, modifying the feeding setting parameters and querying the relevant information about the cages on the shore, especially when the abnormal feeding occurs, the farmers can instantaneously recieve the warning message so as to assure the normal auto-feeding. The marine feeding device is composed of mechanical and control components. The mechanical component takes blade-type-feeding device as the core. The control component takes STC5410AD micro-controller as the core part and consist of modules including communication, information acquisition, real-time clock and the output driving, etc. This paper mainly introduces the hardware and software design of the system. The running results showed that the system met the predetermined design requirements and it worked stably and reliably with simple operation. This paper makes a tentative attempt on developing new marine cage feeding system, which can also be used as reference for other remote control application system designs in aquaculture industry.
key words:GSM Modem;marine cage;feeding device;remote monitoring system