摘要:为解决冷水鱼养殖过程中养殖水体中的氨氮累积问题,根据低温生物滤器及臭氧催化氧化处理氨氮的特点,设计了冷水鱼工厂化养殖氨氮处理系统并进行了试验。试验基于以臭氧氧化为主、低温生物处理为辅的处理工艺,试验鱼为虹鳟鱼,养殖密度为23 kg/m3,试验水体约为10 m3,试验周期为7 d。结果表明,该系统能够满足冷水鱼工厂化养殖过程中有关氨氮处理的水质指标要求,处理后的养殖池进水口的水质指标总氨氮≤0.18 mg/L,硝酸盐氮氮≤29.43 mg/L,亚硝酸盐氮氮≤0.1 mg/L;养殖水体氨氮浓度监测表明,臭氧在水中残留低于0.008 mg/L,符合养殖鱼类对水体臭氧浓度的安全要求。
Research on treatment of ammonia in lower temperature for
cold water fish recirculating aquaculture system
CAO Guangbin1, CHENG Qiyun1,2, HAN Shicheng1, JIANG Shuyi1, CHENG Zhongxiang1
(1 Heilongjiang River Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Harbin 150070, China;
2 Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306,China )
Abstract: In the recirculation aquaculture system, ammonia, one kind of byproduct from the digestion of protein, is the principal nitrogenous waste released by fish. When the ammonia is accumulated and reached high level concentration, it can slow down fish growth and cause tissue damage, even death. Based on the performance of bio-filter and ozone oxidation, an effective ammonia disposal system was designed, which mainly used ozonation of ammonia and bio-filter assisted. Generally, ozone can oxidized ammonia by 25.8% directly, during the efficient of oxidation, adding some catalytic agent can increased it. The efficiency of bio-filter disposing ammonia would be decreased in lower temperature. In order to measure the capacity of disposing ammonia, an experiment was carried out in a cold water fish culture system. The experimental result shown that The design can meet the requirements of water quality index that regarding the handling of ammonia nitrogen in cold water fish factory farming , ammonia≤0.18 mg/L,nitrate≤29.43 mg/L,and nitrite≤0.1 mg/L. Meanwhile, the concentration of ozone in fish culture tank and circuit water tank was measured to ensure the safety of dissolved ozone to cultured fish and bio-filter. The residue of ozone in the water was below 0.008 mg/L, which showed that the treatment process was reliable and safe.
Key words: cold water fish, ammonia; lower temperature ammonia treatment; recirculation aquaculture